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(Got this script from an ASMR vid on yt with my own twist)

I laid on the couch on this fine evening waiting for my favorite show to come on. I decided to watch it in the living room so I can see when Harry was going to arrive since today I came home a bit early.

I got to work at 5:30 AM and started on the paperwork I left the night before. I finished before lunch time and so I handled four meetings when I decided to head home early. I always came home late and I decided to join Harry on an early night.

Thirty minutes later I heard the door open and close, letting me know that Harry was finally home. I hopped up from the couch and ran around the corner to see Harry taking of his shoes.

"Baby!" I squealed running to hug him. He pats me on the back and pushes me away.

"Hey, let me get started on dinner." He says dropping his things and heading to the kitchen to wash his hands.

I follow him to the sink with a slight confusion and lean against the kitchen island. I start picking my cuticles when he starts drying his hands and turns to look at me.

"How long have you been home?" He asks starting the walk to the big pantry. "Just an hour," I mumble following right behind him.

"Oh. You couldn't start on dinner?" He replies grabbing the pasta and pre-made tomato sauce. "I mean I could have but I thought we could enjoy pizza and beer in the patio tonight. I'm sorry." I say as we make it back to the kitchen island.

He only nods but continues to click the gas stove on.

"Are you feeling okay?" I say pushing my self up on the counter. "You're very snappy."

"I'm fine. Just tired of work, I guess." He says adding salt to the water in the pot. "You should go shower. Dinner will be done by then." He speaks again starring at the pot. I hop down and wrap my arms around his body.

"C'mon. Tell me what happened." I pout at his back. "Nothing happened, baby. Just tired. Just go upstairs." He mumbles but doesn't try to move me.

"Did I do something?" "No."
"Do I smell?" "No."
"Is it because of dinner?" "No."
"Am I annoying you?" "Kinda."

"Harry!" I cry to his back and giving him a light slap on his upper back. He turns around in my arms and looks down at me.

"Give me a kiss if you're not upset with me." I pucker my lips to him. He leans down and presses a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Mm no. On my lips." He leans down again and kisses the corner of my lips. "You are upset with me! You love my lips." I pout again and pull away.

"I'm not. I'm just tired and hungry and I just want to finish making dinner." he replies turning back to the stove. I let out a sigh and go to the fridge to grab a bottled water and a snack. I close the door with my knee and a blue note fall down to the floor. I put the water and the chocolate bread on the counter by the fridge and lean down to pick up the note.

"Hey baby,

I hope you had a good day today and since I know I won't get to see you tomorrow morning then I hope you have a good day tomorrow too. I miss you so much but I know it won't always be like this. I told my team I will be taking the next three weeks off (starting Monday) and I was thinking we can go to the cabins and have a good time by the lake. Text me tomorrow if you want to go and I'll reserve the place for us. I love you, y/n."

The note was dated for yesterday and suddenly felt my face go hot. He must've thought that I was ignoring him but I just saw the note. I turn to him slowly and see him trying not to peek over at me as he pours the pot of hot water and spaghetti into the strainer. I huff and throw my arms down to the side.

"Baby I swear I just saw this. I would have said something earlier if I knew." I say as my lips fall into a frown. He puts the pot down on the other side of the sink and slides over to me with his socks helping him glide easier. "I know. I'm just being a grump and thought you were ignoring me until I just saw you genuinely didn't see the note. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. I should have just called you during your lunch break." he replies wrapping his arms around my head and I wrap mine around his upper back.

"You wouldn't have known but it's okay. How about you book that cabin okay? And I can pop garlic bread in the oven and finish the pasta okay?" I say placing my chin on his chest.

"Okay baby." he whispers leaning down to kiss my forehead then my lips.

Though I know we should finish dinner before we both starve to death, I hold him a little longer and tighter. There's nothing better than being in your mans arms after a long time of not feeling them around you.


im literally so tired of this chapter because i've been trying to finish it for a whole month.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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