Izuku's New Class!

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Izuku sat down talking with Iida and Uraraka before the big announcement being made to Class 1A. Everyone knew it was about the USJ, and Izuku's ability to beat the monster in a single hit! Izuku was confident as ever because he had mastered and evolved his quirk Bear Hug. It allowed him to turn into a large and strong bear, and now he had evolved it into letting him choose a part to turn. The class was expecting Aizawa to be out of commission, but surely enough he walked through the door. He looked like a mummy and said, "Midoriya, this announcement is for you. You will be going to Class 1N" Bakugo wasted no time shouting, "Ha, Nerd got demoted!" Aizawa stared at Bakugo and said, "Actually, the N is for New heroes. He's getting a license, and going with the others that excel in there hero training from around the world. He's legally a hero now." The class fell silent, for a moment of infinity class 1A was quiet! Mina spoke up after, "Why haven't we heard of this class?" Aizawa simply answered, "It never came up." Izuku just kept staring blankly. He had never been given this much praise. He just walked up, took his schedule and marched towards the classroom in a daze.
(Meanwhile in Class 1N)
Everyone was talking about the new guy they were getting in the class. They heard that he beat a monster designed to kill All Might in one hit! We go to a small group of three kids talking amongst themselves. (Don't worry, I'll do a chapter on every OC in this class and their quirk.) One such kid is named Hibine Uyeno, he has the quirk Tough. It makes anything he touches have a higher breaking point. The downside is if the enhancement is left on for to long his bones start to get weaker. He can deactivate it by thinking about it. Hibine was skinny and wearing a blue turtleneck, black jeans and a black beanie. His eyes were orange with flickers of red, his shoes were black tennis shoes, they had a Yin Yang sign on the bottom. (If any talented artists read this, I would appreciate a drawing of them all, but you don't have to if you don't want to.) Then their was a girl named Kaiyo Arita. Her quirk was Aphrodite's Voice. It allowed her to control a person by talking to them. If she's attracted to the person then it's more effective. The downsides are that she has a mature feminine body, and she'll let you know that it's a curse. She has never been attracted to anyone because of her quirk forcing her to have high standards. She wore a red sweatshirt with the writing Snake on it. Snake was a popular singer in this version of Japan and never revealed his face in any of his videos. Red sweatpants and pink high tops with red decals. Her eyes were bright pink and her smile could blind a crowd. Her body was that of a mature woman and would keep growing with her. The final member of their group was Ryo Doi. A modest boy with a great personality and fantastic character. His quirk was Slip. It causes anyone he deems a bad person to randomly slip. It's extremely helpful for villain fighting because the effect doesn't go away until he changes his mind. The only drawback is he gets mild headaches for a few minutes after adding a new person to the slip list. He wore a green T-shirt that had the letters, KUH. This was his old school Kings University for Heroes. Light blue shorts and sea blue sandals. His eyes were brown and swirled with caramel color. None of them had to wear a uniform seeing as they were already heroes. Ryo spoke in a calm voice, "I wonder what the new guy is gonna do?" Kaiyo pipped up, "I don't know, Hope he's cute though! He might be able to get above my standards." After she said that the door opened to reveal a tall kid in a grey muscle shirt that showed of his eight pack, a bush on his head, emerald eyes, a blinding smile, black sweat shorts and red high tops. He sat in front of the group of three seeing as his name was on the desk. He turned and said, "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you. Hope we can be friends." The three smiled and introduced themselves and their quirks before it was Izuku's turn. He spoke happily and soft, "I'm Izuku, my quirk is Bear Hug. I can become a full bear of large size and strength, or I can only turn one part of my body. I normally try to find an alternative to violence because of my strength." The other three looked at him and Kaiyo asked a question, "Why is it called Bear Hug?" Izuku looked down and said, "I had to leave the room during it's naming and my mom chose that name." Hibine seemed interested now and asked, "Why did you leave the room?" Izuku looked up and said, "My father had died in a lab accident, my mom had sent me to answer the call because she thought it was something good." They all looked at each other before Ryo patted him on the shoulder and stated, "Your a good person. If you need a friend I'm here. They'll help to and we can be your first friends here okay?" Izuku nodded and put his smile back on. He turned around as the three sat around him being their desks were there. Izuku noticed the door slide open to reveal Kamui Woods. He would be their first teacher. Izuku looked and saw that it was english, science, lunch, combat, math and current news. Izuku sat back in his chair and took notes. It went by pretty fast because of his schedule being flexible with timing. The classes could last for any amount of time the heroes wanted to teach it for. The next hero made Izuku want to jump out of his seat and find Kirishima because it was Crimson Riot! (I might make a ship with an OC and Izuku or it could be no ship. It might even be a class 1A student, I don't know honestly.)

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