Bakugo's Punishment

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(You really think I wouldn't show you the punishment? Also, read Jiro's dialogue in a Harley Quinn voice because I really enjoyed the aesthetic of it.)

While everyone was at lunch an announcement came on the speakers, "Katsuki Bakugo is removed from the competition due to him harming a classmate. He'll also gain a special punishment decided by the one he harmed and anyone they choose to involve in the planing."

Before the information was fully processed a large amount of screaming was heard. Two muscular men were carrying Bakugo away while he had quirk canceling cuffs on. Now we go to Izuku and Jiro, "You got everything ready green?"

Izuku nodded as he held a pair of hedge clippers, "Everything's in place and ready."

The punk rocker smiled before grabbing a blow torch, "Do we need to go over the plan?"

She received a shaken head no before smirking. The two men entered the room with Bakugo shortly after. They led him towards a lead table and strapped him down. As the bastard tried to move a muzzle was slapped onto his face. His screams were barely even audible under the wonderful device. Jiro stepped in front of the boy, a nail now in her hands, "Well hello Bakuhoe, what a displeasure to meet you. I hope you're ready for you acupuncture therapy. That anger can't be good for your muscles, now can it."

A look of realization crossed Bakugo's face as he tried to shake his head. Jiro got closer before snapping her fingers. Izuku came out with a vice and placed it above Bakugo's head. Tightening the machinery to make sure Bakugo was conscious and watching. The boy started to fight the straps before Izuku grabbed his leg. Jiro walked forward with a sledgehammer dragging across the ground. When she made it to the table she stared Bakugo in his eyes, "You wanna be a villain, then you need a hands on experience. Now watch and learn!"

As she said the last part of her statement a nail was jabbed into his side. He screamed in pain and saw Izuku enter his vision with a sick smile, "What, you didn't expect there were actual consequences to your stupid actions?"

The man child had to watch in horror as Jiro removed his shoe, "Do I remember the rhyme right? This little piggy went to market. This little piggy went to college. You know what, fuck that, all the piggies went to slaughter!"

She slammed the sledgehammer down onto Bakugo's foot with a sickening crack. A muffled scream sounded through the muzzle before Izuku asked Jiro a question, "How much more can we hurt him?"

Bakugo finally thought he'd found a saving grace, there had to be a limit. It seemed the universe was working against him, mainly because it was, because Jiro replied with an oddly joyous tone, "We've still got fifteen more arteries to poke before his limit's reached."

A gulp went down Bakugo's throat as he saw something strange. Izuku walked up with a scalpel and rubbing alcohol, "Would you like to do the honors?"

Jiro snatched it before hugging Izuku, "Oh my, you're to kind."

She walked over and cut into Bakugo's arm the teen couldn't turn his head and was forced to feel his own blood flow down the cut. He then felt a stinging pain. Jiro was pouring rubbing alcohol into his wound with a displeased face, "This isn't enough pain, what could give us more?"

Izuku smiled towards Bakugo before he pointed at a certain spot. The bully's eyes widened as he frantically tried to escape. Izuku moved his shoulder a few times before Jiro handed him a pair of brass knuckles. All Bakugo could do was watch in horror as Izuku hit him with a full strength punch to the groin. The boy screamed before thrashing around with little effect. Tears were flowing out of his eyes at full force now more than every. He heard what sounded like some kind of ignition before Jiro walked to him with an activated blow torch, "You seem to like burnin' people a little too much, let's see how you like being burnt!"

She applied the flame to his chest as it started to peel the skin. Power Loader really did make high powered torches. Bakuhoe was screaming and crying while thrashing his restraints, but nothing stopped Jiro. Soon enough the flesh started to char as smoke seeped from the wound. Izuku realized when enough was enough and loudly punched the wall. Jiro looked at him before smirking, "I take it You what a turn?"

Izuku nodded before grabbing earphones and a recorder. When he walked towards Bakugo he removed the vice in place of a neck strap. The duo's victim had his teeth clattering, and rightfully so. Izuku put an earphone in Bakugo's ear before he turned on the recorder. The recorder was constantly playing Baby Shark on repeat. Izuku went towards Bakugo before cracking his knuckles, "I told you you're pride would be your downfall."

Izuku slammed his fist onto Bakugo's face. A brutal crack filled the room before it was revealed that Bakugo's nose was nearly flat on his face. Izuku looked the groveling bitch in the eyes, "This ain't shit compared to what you did to me, right Kachan?"

Jiro started to cackle before walking up and placing an arm on Izuku's shoulder, "Kachan, what a stupid name. Glad it's nothing more than a fucking derogatory now. 'HeY yOu ReMeMbEr FrAnK fRoM HR, hE's A rEaL KaChAn."

The two laughed before turning towards the door. Bakugo smiled with wide eyes, finally believing his torture was over. Until Jiro turned back around, "I almost forgot about the finale! How could be so forgetful!"

Izuku walked towards Bakugo and ripped his pants down. The boy wasn't well-endowed, unless you consider a toothpick well-endowed. The room was silent for a good while before Izuku smirked, "Hey Rockstar, what's the final lesson we wanna teach this guy?"

In almost no time at all Bakugo felt a cold sensation followed by immense pain. When he could finally look his whole body went limp. Jiro held bloody hedge clippers in one hand, and a pair of tweezers in the other. The tweezers had Bakugo's manhood displayed for all to see locked in their grip, "Make sure you wear a cup if you're gonna be a dick!"

Bakugo was eventually healed, but then immediately expelled and locked in solitary in a female only prison. Though that's not what story is about so let's move on to the rest of the festival.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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