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"Hello Sweetheart." grins Haymich as I march into his kitchen. He's still living in Victors Village, he says it's the only home he can stay in without turning to more booze, which in my opinion makes no sense, but who am I to question Haymich?

His house looks much better now, he's finally understood the importance of personal hygiene. I can remember vividly after we got back to twelve how Peeta and I helped re-decorate his home. It was the only time Peeta ever seemed back to his old self, when he was painting.

I remember how the light caught on his golden eyelashes and rouge strands of static hair, how the dust used to settle on them, how I used to sing to him as he painted, how we used to joke and talk until the sun descended on us, how Haymich used to freak out at Peeta's colour choices, how Peeta insisted on painting the walls of his bedroom like the forest trees, how he made me take him into the woods so he could capture the exact shape and colours, how I decided to take him to the lake, how we spent the afternoon swimming in the cool lake, how he kissed we were both happy.

I shake my head to clear the memories, because since then Peeta got worse, much worse. 

Haymich glares at me from across his kitchen counter, but he quickly averts his eyes when he catches a glimpse of my bruise and continues to prepare his meal. I slowly and without word sit across from him.

"You know he's gonna pull through, don't you sweetheart?" He says, a trace of pure sadness echoing in his voice. I stare down at the table, and nod slowly. "You just gotta give him a chance."

He clears his throat and places a plate in front of me with a piece of incredibly burnt.......well, I don't know what it actually is.

I smile down at it and try to suppress a laugh, but fail. "What?" Haymich chuckles. "Don't be so ungrateful Miss Everdeen!" He mocks in a capitol accent.

And we both crack up. Oh Effie, dear, dear Effie.

"I'm sorry-but...but it just looks so pathetic!" I blurt out.

"I know!" Haymich agrees, wiping his eyes.

Eventually the laughing dies down and we both fall into silence. Haymich switches back to his serious tone. "So....Miss Everdeen, I assume you aren't really here to cruelly scrutinize my cooking?" He hollers throwing the mess of food into the bin. 

"No." I reply numbly. Haymich moves back across to me and plonks himself down next to me. 

"Spill Miss Everdeen." He demands softly, taking hold of my hand. "You're gonna have to start paying me for this."

I allow myself a little smile. "It's Peeta.....I....I don't....know what to do anymore." I say wryly running my fingers through my hair.

Haymich lets out a heavy sigh. I face him, and stare at him, I know what he's going to say, but I don't want him to stay it. 

Please don't say it, please!

His eyes meet with mine, his seam eyes mixed with salty tears.And then he says it...


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