Chapter 4 - New Friend

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Eclaire continued to walk to find luck. Was luck ever on her side? When from the very start she never had one. She had no one, she chose this path herself, she wished there was a windfall. 

Not knowing, she almost had a collision with an ice cream stroller but she had the chance to wake up from her daydreaming when a little boy bumped on her, almost spilling his ice cream. The little boy gave her a glare and that gave little chills that was sent down to her spine. She diverted her attention to the ice cream stroller and it was full of children, and some teenagers who you could predict easily - was a fan of ice cream. Her attention was focused on the people around, not on the ice cream and then she saw the girl in charge. Without any second thoughts, she walked towards the girl and avoided the crowd by going around at the back.

"Need help?" Eclaire eye smiled her and began giving the crowd what they wanted but she asked if she had the right scoops for each.

She was doing a great job since she always follows Lay eating ice cream a lot, that's why she has learned a lot from following Lay about how the world runs. But it's another thing to stand and see a different point of view.


The crowd was depleting and finally all the ice cream containers were empty.

"Thank you very much!!" The girl bowed before her. A soft and warm voice, like the voice of an angel. She was meek and she had a pure aura.

She deserves to be my guardian angel. 

Eclaire shook her head in reply and bowed back.

"It was nothing, no need to worry really."

The girl pulled out a bag of cookies under her cart and gave it to Eclaire.

"Here's for your help, cookies, they're delicious, mom baked them for me but I'm giving it to you since you've been a great help!"

Eclaire received the cookies since she has no other choice, she may not find another person like her - just grab it. She opened the bag slowly and got one cookie. She bit it and offered the girl to eat with her. Non-hesitantly, she grabbed two cookies and ate them as well as Eclaire.

"By the way, I didn't get your name," the girl asked as she was throwing the empty bag on her disposable bag just around the corner of her cart.

"Eclaire, my name's Eclaire, it's nice to meet you." She offered a hand and was smiling because she wanted to know the name of her self-proclaimed guardian angel.

"Mafre, my name's Mafre, same to you," she eye smiled like an angel and gave off a relieving aura that was felt by Eclaire.

Eclaire made her first acquaintance, or maybe not, we should consider the old woman too, but forget it. She made a new friend and she told her that she was homeless but didn't tell where she came from. Mafre gave her cookies and delinquished Eclaire's hunger and now she's letting Eclaire come home with her. 

I guess these will turn things around. Now Eclaire's luck - Mafre, is really a guardian angel.  Maybe luck comes in people when things get unexpected. 

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