Ch.13-Evil Vs. Good The Final Battle!

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Brandon's ring started glowing with blue light. Stocking readied herself, expecting something to pop out at her.

Brandon shone with blue light, and when it vanished, a blue demon stood in Brandon's place. The demon had razor sharp claws, skinny but muscular arms, and clawed feet. This was Obolisk's true power!

"Amazing..." Troy awed. "The true power of's amazing."

Brandon charged at Stocking and swung at her, but missed. But his speed was improved a lot, compared to his first form.  Brandon started swinging again, faster and faster each time. Stocking could barely keep up.

Eventually, Brandon landed a clear punch to Stocking's stomach and sent her flying to the ground. Brandon roared so loudly the tower shook and trembled.

Corset, in the meantime, ripped out his huge muscles and starting swinging at Troy. Troy easily dodged, but couldn't land a hit on Corset, either. Both were moving fast, but nothing landed.

Brandon was locked in combat with Stocking, and let down his guard for only a second, but got hit by Stocking. She slashed his arm, and Brandon changed back into his normal form. His arm was heavily bleeding.

Brandon screeched in pain and fell to his knees and then collapsed. Was it not enough? He couldn't beat her...she was too tough. Would this be the end? Was his new powers not enough?

But he hadn't used them all yet. Brandon pushed himself up, and his ring glowed with a red light now. Brandon's body had a red glow all of a sudden.

"It doesn't matter what new powers you bring out...I'll destroy you!"

Brandon never flinched. His new power didn't seem to affect his offence...but defence. Brandon ran and flung a red lightning bolt at Stocking, and of coursed missed, and Stocking went to stab Brandon in the heart....

But the sword stopped when it hit the red barrier surrounding Brandon.

"Defensive power?? How?" Stocking was shocked.

Brandon slugged Stocking in the face.

"You bitch!!! You tried to stab me!" Brandon yelled.

Brandon launched a red orb at Stocking, engulfing her completely with red light. Stocking knelt on her knees, as the blast stung her body.

Surprisingly, Stocking was still alive after.

Brandon stood in front of Stocking, huffing and puffing.

"I barely have energy left. But regardless, I don't want to kill you. I want you to live."

Stocking glared. "If you don't kill me, I'll kill you."

Brandon shook his head. "I won't kill you. And you won't kill me."

Stocking raised her sword...

Brandon blasted her with a red lightning bolt of energy, knocking the sword out of her hand.  Stocking, now completely out of energy, lay on the ground, defeated.

Corset was busy in combat with Troy. His moves were fast, but Troy could keep up. He didn't train for nothing.

Troy leaped up in the air, and punched him as hard as he could.

"You fool! You really annoy me! You and the other one! You interfere with all my plans! Why?" Corset yelled.

Brandon launched a red lightning kick at Corset. "Because you messed with us first."

Corset sprawled to the ground, and tried to get up, but Troy kicked him down again. Brandon and Troy stood by side. Brandon turned into his blue demon form.

Heavenly Hell #1-Panty and StockingWhere stories live. Discover now