Chapter 11

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She woke up at quarter to five and quietly got off the bed, making sure not to wake up the sleeping Aries. She had already told him that she would be out to train with Alex so, he did not worry. He didn't like the idea of Althea training with a man but allowed her to.

She put on her black sports bra and her black military joggers. She threw a black jacket on her shoulder and made her way to the training ground whilst tying her hair back.

Alex was already there when she arrived. Well, someone was excited but not for long, Althea thought.

"You are to take three laps of the whole territory" Althea said as she walked straight past him towards the boarder.

Alex nodded and was about to take his t-shirt off to shift. She shakes her head, "In human form" she said firmly still walking and looking ahead.

He was about to argue when she added, "Of course I'll follow you. I don't want you slacking off."

"Now" she said in a voice that held some power and Alex started to run towards the boarder so he could make three whole laps of the pack territory.

It took him three whole hours to complete three laps which was applaudable. Their territory was huge. The fastest warrior would roughly take an hour and half. But he had to do better, she thought.

The whole idea of this was to train Alex but also to guard their pack and ward off any rouges getting into the pack that could harm them.

After a week of the beginning of his training, Alex had gotten faster. He now took an hour and half to do three laps. That was for normal warriors though. Althea wanted him to be faster.

"Alex" Althea said after Alex had completed his lap. It was six-thirty in the morning.

"I want you to run as fast as you can. I know you can do better than this. I also want you to bear in mind that not a sound is made while you are doing the lap from tomorrow onwards."

"Not even a twitch of a branch or a rustle of leaf can be heard. Do you hear me?" Althea said in a harsh tone to which Alex was used to by now.

"How's that even possible?" Alex questioned him.

"Alex, watch and listen to what I'm about to do." said Althea to which Alex nodded.

Althea swiftly jumped and landed on the branch on the top of the tree, without shaking the tree, heck without even moving the leaves. Even with his werewolf hearing, he heard nothing. Then she landed beside him, still nothing could be heard. If he had not seen her do it, he would have never believed that she actually jumped up the tree and back down. Alex looked at her in awe.

"Could I do that as well?" he asked his eyes gleaming brightly.

"With time and practice, yes." Althea replied. She knew that he would be able to do it.

"But Althea how is this going to help me?" Alex was curious.

"Strength alone doesn't help in a fight" she replied.

"Of course, if you are super strong that's a different story. But in your case, you lack strength. So, you convert it into speed and in time that will be your strength.

"And if you are inaudible along with the speed you move with, you'll be dangerous. Heck you will be deadly" she smirked.

Althea was known to be of few words. But to make Alex understand, she had to speak. "Now you are going to meditate. You need to learn to conceal your scent, if you are to be a good fighter. There's no point in you being quick and quiet if they can still sniff you off."

"You will still continue to run. I want you to try to complete the lap under thirty minutes without any sound. Then I want you to mediate for an hour."

Alex nodded.

"I won't be coming every morning now but be sure not to be caught slacking otherwise I'll triple your training. You'll end up wishing, you never had me as your trainer." she gave an evil smirk which made her even scary. Alex gulped. Althea zipped her jacket before leaving him.

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