Chapter 36

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Aries, Alex, Matt and Warren were now struggling to rip off the rouges head and protecting Althea's still unconscious body. Matt and Warren had now transformed into their werewolf forms and was biting off the limbs of as much rouges as they could, be it their arms or their head.

Aries was ripping out their hearts or tearing their guts apart. Whatever he could grab with his elongated finger nails, he would pull the life out of it. Meanwhile Alex kept circling around Althea's body as the three fought. Anyone that got past those three, he took them down instantly, without mercy.

This went on for long time. It seemed as if the number of rouges they had on their hand was infinity. No matter how many they took down, they kept on coming with more, equally vicious and inhumane. Time was not their side it seemed. Matt was now limping as one of the rouges got his leg and bit him hard before Aries rushed to pull the rouge off him and twist its neck. Aries himself was bleeding heavily from the right side of his temple and his right arm. But nonetheless, he didn't look fazed by it, only his heavy breaths proved otherwise.

Warren was now surrounded by the rouges, two were biting his hind legs while he bit the third one's neck. It was an end game for him if not for Alex. He grabbed one of the rouges who had his leg and threw him across the field who ended up hitting against the tree. Then he went for the next one and pulled his head backwards, twisting it until his bones popped.

Althea aware of all that was happening around her could not help but blame her human body for being so weak. This body failed her. The body of a mortal was not able to withstand her power and was healing at a rate of a tortoise. She knew that this body of hers will soon decay as she was forcing herself to heal as fast as meteors shooting across the sky. But she had to before anymore could go wrong.

She was now able to feel her arms then her legs. She felt energy flow through her body now. She counted to three before she took a deep breath and finally could open her eyes again. Slowly she raised herself up to a sitting position and finally on her two feet.

Now she truly saw the apocalypse surrounding her. The corpse of many laid around, not all body parts where they belong, werewolf or human bodies alike, rouges or pack member alike. The now crimson ground very much visible as it reflected whatever light it got from the moon, almost mistaken for a land of ruby. The vile stench of blood filled the air she now breathed. She saw the war. She felt the war. And she very much felt the knife that drove through her back, piercing her skin. As she looked down, she saw the tip of the knife that penetrated through her body.

She slowly turned around and saw the culprit as he let go of the knife which was now attached to Althea's body. Her arm flew out and grabbed his neck, constricting him of air. The pair of coal black eyes looked at his own pair of greys, burning his soul. He started trembling as fear rose on those grey eyes, his lungs also hungry for air. He saw his end through her eyes, he saw what waited him after his death. But he did not live to tell. If not for Althea's hand still grabbing his neck, he would have crumbled to the ground, like a pieced of paper. A loud pop of his bone filled Althea's ears as the light in his eyes faded and he left the world for his own good.

Althea took a few steps towards the two men who stood now shaken, fear embedding their eyes. They forced the rouges to stand between them but one look from Althea was enough to make them fall on their knees in submission. So, the only thing between the two and Althea was the air that was passing through.

Even though Althea was unconscious before, she had clearly heard their confession. The wicked game they were playing, she was going to end it before the sunrise, she promised herself.

The wind around her started to howl. Her midnight black hair shined from the moonlight. Her coal black eyes deadly and her once tanned skin was turning pale. The aura around her was murderous. She was seeking blood, fury over the top of her head. She saw black that was as dark as her midnight eyes.

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