Chapter 14

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Another week had gone, they were getting closer than before. Aries would not leave a chance to touch her or kiss her and Althea didn't mind. She liked being close to him. Aries would kiss her to sleep and kiss her again when she woke up tangled in his arms. As promised, he did not do anything more.

Althea woke up too early this morning and though she would go and check on Alex. She swiftly got off the bed, not wanting to wake Aries and quickly changed into her black sporty legging and sports bra. She put her jacket over her shoulder and made her way outside before writing a note to him and leaving it at the bedside.

Alex was making a great progress. If it wasn't her, no one would never find him. she headed towards Alex and soon found him under the huge tree, meditating as she had told him to.

"What did I tell you about keeping yourself open to everyone?" she said throwing her jacket on the ground, heading towards him and landing a punch on him. He quickly got on his feet and barely dodged her second punch. He was getting faster, she thought.

But not before she swings her leg to his face which he dodges again. He tries to throw few punches at her but she swiftly blocks his punches with her hands as if he was just a child who was learning to punch.

He throws few more punches and kicks in her direction but she blocks them all. After like an hour of them sparring and Alex ending up with some bruise, they stopped.

"You are getting good" Althea said.

"But you can still find me and I can't land a punch on you" he whined, falling on his back and laying on the ground, taking huge breaths. Althea sat beside him, her arms behind her supporting her body and legs sprawled in front of her.

"The day when you can hide from me is the day when you are dead. And the day you can punch me is the day when I am dead." Althea replied calmly.

Alex shot right up in a sitting position and looked at her, his eyes huge with shock.

"What?" he said.

"Calm down tiger" Althea said. "What I meant to say is that no matter how good you are, I'll always be able to find you."

"Compared to how you were two weeks ago, you are really good. If it wasn't me, I doubt anyone will be able to find you or beat you even. Heck you could even challenge the head warrior and beat him with ease." Althea told him, feeling proud.

"Geez, thanks." Alex started to say, a smile escaped his lips. "I would love to do that but that isn't what I want." His eyes looked distant but he kept going. He had been thinking about this for a while.

"I was not going to stay on this pack forever." To that Althea let out a low growl, warning Alex. But Alex turned to her and smiled.

"Relax. I didn't mean it like that." He paused and took a deep breath.

"See, I grew up without any parents. I don't even know who my parents are. I was left outside the pack's territory eighteen years ago. The previous Alpha took me in. But as I grew up, I never felt that I belonged here."

"I was always around the previous Alpha, helping him with the tinniest things, be it cooking or cleaning. Even though the Luna would always stop me whenever I did so. But I felt I was in debt to them for taking me in. I was never a part of this pack. I never swore to be part of this pack and they never forced me to."

He gave a sad laugh before he continued. "You see, all my life I wanted to belong somewhere. Not only that but..."

"But I wanted to give my useless life some meaning. I thought I would do so by serving the Alpha. But he's long gone." he paused again. "The current Alpha put me to train soon after the incident which also triggered my shift. But as you saw, I even failed to do so..."

"Until you came", he suddenly stood up from his sitting position on one knee, right arm across his chest. He looked her straight in her eyes.

"I, Alexander Knight, from this day onwards, pledge my loyalty and life to the goddess in front of me, to you, Althea. I vow to protect you with my life and follow you anywhere, be it the end of the world. I will be your warrior. I will be your shield. Your sword. My life is yours to command."

His voice boomed through the calm morning. The wind was howling as he pledged to be Althea's warrior. He then took out a knife and slit his palm.

"With my blood, I take this pledge." he said as his blood dripped on the ground. His eyes begging her to accept him.

Althea gave him a smile before taking his bleeding palm in her hand. As soon as she touched him, a small spark flowed onto his palm and the bleeding stopped. Alex took his hand off her and looked at his palm which was now healed. He was beyond shocked.

Althea stood on her feet. The wind blowing her hair away from her face, her body radiating power. She smiled at him again and held her hand forward for him to take. When he took her hand, she looked him in the eyes.

"I, Althea Garcia Hela Silvermoon, accept you, Alexander Knight, as my sworn warrior." her voice boomed through the forest.

She took the knife from Alex and slit her palm. As a drop of her blood landed on his forehead, it vanished. "May this blood be the proof of our bond."

At that moment Alex knew, she wasn't just any werewolf, she was the daughter of the moon goddess herself. The epitome of power. The goddess in flesh.

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