Chapter 23

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As Althea made her way towards the centre, she saw that her pack members had arrived as well. Many of them were fighting their own battle while some were helping the other pack win their fight. She looked around the chaotic mess that was once filled by the laughter of the kids running around. The scene disheartened her. She wanted to stop the war for once. While Ron just stood there watching Althea's every move.

When she reached the centre. She closed her eyes and stood there for a second inhaling the blood, rage, pain and sadness of the people that surrounded her. One of the rouges saw this as a chance to attack her. But when he came close to her, she opened her eyes. Her black eyes looked straight into his soul.

"Stop" she growled at him, making him stop on his path right in front of her. He then fell on his knees and bowed his head.

The wind around her howled. Her dark hair fighting against the wind. Her eyes coal black that looked as if it could burn the whole world. The power was radiating from her. Everyone there could feel the deadly aura of someone in the centre of the battle field. They all stopped fighting and turned to the source of the power.

As soon as Althea grabbed everyone's attention, she spoke.

"Why are you fighting this war? Who are you fighting for? What do you gain from this?" her voice was soft but loud.

"We are the descendent of the same werewolf, we are of the same kind. Why do you seek the blood of your own?"

"Stop this war this instant." Her voice boomed through the field.

"I'll kill that bastards that killed my brother" Aries voice growled, a few feet away from Althea. His wolf had completely taken over him. He was filled with so much hatred, "I will not stop until I see every one of them dead."

"Then what?" Althea asked him with the same softness in her voice. "Then what Alpha Blackwood? Would Noah come back to you after you kill them all? If so, I will rip every single heart of these rouges right now and lay them on your feet."

Every soul stood quiet. Nobody dared interrupt the two Alpha's. Even though some didn't know Althea to be an Alpha yet. Aries slowly started to come back to himself. So, Althea gave her attention to the rouges.

"The one that leads you is not here. He has abandoned you all. Yet here you are, fighting with a false hope that he is amongst you, fighting with you. Do not be deceived by those." she addressed the rouges.

"I'll give you a choice. Join us. Let us live in peace. Or fight us and never see the sunrise again." she said.

Aries made his way to Althea. He stood right in front of her. "You don't hold the power to accept anyone in my pack. I'll not allow these murderers to join my pack" he growled at her. But Althea stood her ground.

"Learn to forgive, Alpha Blackwood" Aries didn't reply her but he didn't like how she was addressing him.

"If we were to take revenge on everyone for a crime one committed, the cycle will never stop. Then their child will seek revenge on yours and yours on them and it will keep on going."

"I do not ask you to forgive the person that has taken your brother's life. But he is not here at the moment. These people didn't do anything apart from be a pawn in their games. They are not at fault here, Alpha Blackwood."

She said looking at Aries.

"I still stand by my decision. Even so, I will not accept none of them in my pack." Aries said firmly.

Althea gave a sad smile to him before looking past him at the crowd, the rouges who were getting nervous as the minute passed by.

"We are all the children of the same goddess. If you pledge your loyalty to me, I'll accept you." she said softly.

At first Aries was angry as Althea offered them a place at his pack without his permission. But when the Red healer's warrior got on their knees and bowed, Aries's eyes grew wider with realisation, his mouth slightly opened. He was beyond shocked.

"Alpha" their voices boomed, their arm over their heart. 

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