[Chapter Six]

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Chapter Six

We went back to school on a Wednesday and I was, for the first time, not excited about this at all. I let Alexis dress me because it was something we did every year on the first day of school before I went back to my normal boring clothes.

Thankfully she didn't go over the top just shorts and a button up tank top thing with sandals, since it was still Florida hadn't gotten the hint that it was time to move into fall. I went to my homeroom with Alexis, and we got our schedules

"We have almost no classes together" I groaned after the bell rang

"But we have the same lunch, English and free period"

"My free period will be spent in the library taking measurements and figuring out how many of what types of things I'll need, and figuring out where I want everything."

"Your working way too hard on this" she pouted

"Yeah, but I want it done before Christmas break. So for the next few months, I'm going to be busy as pineapplesl, but it will be worth it, and think of how much free time I'll have to spend with my best friend if I just hurry and get it done" I hugged her

"Yeah, I know. I'm just complaining. I never get to spend time with you anymore"

"I know I'm sorry. I got to go, love you!" I blew her a kiss

"Love you too" she blew one back and we headed out separate ways.

I got to my first class AP calculus seconds before the bell rang and froze at what I saw.

Damon Parker.

I snapped out of it and went to walk to my assigned seat, right in front of him.

My heart was beating at what felt like a million beats a minute. Please don't recognize me; please don't recognize me I repeated again and again in my head.

I was relieved when he looked at me and said nothing. I could tell by his body language that he had no idea who I was. Oh thank everything holy!

The class was boring, typical first day stuff, papers for parents to sign, expectations, and lots of talking.

Next I headed to business Law, which I knew I would also have with Damon, because there are only about fifteen students selected junior year to take intro to business, otherwise it has to be senior year, and we were two of those fifteen.

Intro to business is required before taking business law, and first tri, there is only one business law class. How could I forget that small fact? At least I got to sit on the other side of the room as him this time.

English was next, and I was excited, this is the only class I have with Alexis, because she's not really one for taking AP classes. When I got to class, Alexis was already there sitting in almost back corner so that we can pass notes and talk without getting in trouble.

"Hey whore" Alexis greeted me, and then her smile dropped

"Hey slut, don't hate, at least I'm getting paid" I smiled back and I heard a laugh behind me

"Arianna hope, I didn't think you were that type of girl" I stopped walking and turned around

Why on earth is he in this class too? Why can't he be dumb and take normal classes

"Well I'm surprised you even know my name" I said and turned back around and took my seat beside Alexis giving her a 'help me' look. She just laughed. Bitch.

"So Alexis, how's your friend?" Damon asked

"What friend?" she asked innocently

"Skye" I choked on my own saliva and coughed.

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