[Chapter Twenty-Three]

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Well that hurt more than I was expecting, but did I really expect this not to happen? I know he’s a player but I thought, no. No, no and more no. I knew it would happen.

“I’m not surprised.” I shrugged like it didn’t hurt but in reality, it did. It hurt a lot.

“You can’t be okay with this.” She said and I shrugged as I pulled my wig off and let my real hair down

“He has no obligation to me, he doesn’t know about the baby and even when he does that puts him under no commitment to me or my feelings.” I tried distancing myself from this. I know what I hoped for but I guess that just wasn’t going to happen, I mean nothing to him now and I meant nothing to him that night. It was a stupid mistake on my part that will follow me the rest of my life but to him, it’s nothing new, barley a blimp on his radar.

I guess I was, for that night, one of those girls. I got drunk, I had sex and now I have to deal with the consequences, probably alone.

“Arianna, you can’t sit there and act like it doesn’t hurt you, I mean”

“Enough Alexis, I don’t want to sit here and fucking talk about it. It happened! He just screwed someone else and yes, it hurts but it is none of any of our business. He’s free to do whatever he wants.” I yelled at her and she just sat there looking at me with pity, I hated pity.

“Make him own up; you aren’t the one who got yourself pregnant.” She said and I shrugged

“I made my choice to go through with this pregnancy; he has the right to make his own choice as well. I can’t force him Alexis, no one of us can. Just drop it, I have a few days until I have to tell him and I guess it’s better I knew about Lisa, my hopes are already crushed.” I said as I walked out my bedroom door and went down to the dining room to help my mom set the table.

I made small talk but I wasn’t in the mood to really talk about anything with anyone, I was thinking on how I was going to do this and how I was going to react to him tomorrow, if he expects things to go how they have been he is fucking insane.

Alexis let it go and didn’t push me and she redid the colors in my hair after dinner while I sat down to read a book to try to relax me, Pride and Prejudice is amazing and I let myself get lost in the world Jane Austen created two hundred years ago.

It’s amazing what books can do, how writing has survived over time. Movies are similar but you just can’t beat books in my opinion.

Alexis took the book from me and pushed me to the shower when I had the hair dye in long enough and she ran a bubble bath so what when I got the color out we could just relax for a while in the hot bubbly water, Bot baths and showers were where we solved world problems, I swear they were that amazing.

We sat in there a while and she avoided the obvious disaster topic and after the water went cold I finished drying my hair with a blow dryer so the color didn’t bleed all over my bedding, I learned that the hard way the first time I dyed my hair and I fell asleep to her playing with my hair like she always does when I had a bad day.

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed when I opened my eyes I barely made out Alexis, Mason and Lucy. All three of them, this is just lovely.

“I’m up now get the hell off my bed” I mumbled out as I kind of sat up and Lucy pushed Mason off the bed making them both fall onto my bed in laughter, in this instance being pregnant saved me or Lucy would have belly flopped on top of me, which would hurt.

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