[Chapter Twenty-Eight]

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Goodness, how I hate this storm! I slept like hell last night, partly because it’s creepy in the school, but mostly because this couch may be comfortable to sit on but not to sleep on, I want my bed.

When I look around I realize Damon was gone. I tried not to let it freak me out that I was alone and didn’t know where he was, so to distract myself I put on my wig, and grabbed the film camera I was using last night, and went to go to the photography room.

I didn’t care that the film wasn’t finished; I needed a distraction, and quick. I left him a note in case he came back, which is more than I could say about him. I know I was probably over reacting about this situation, but I couldn’t help it, were stuck at a school in the middle of a hurricane, any crazy person can break in and murder us and we will have no way to get help.

Ugh, stop it Arianna! Think about… Anything else! Think about… How to tell Damon! Yeah, that’s a good idea. I was just entering the art’s wing of the school when I heard something.

I stopped and listened harder, and I heard shuffling in a classroom, I know I should run screaming, but for some reason, I decided to go and check it out. The door was cracked open when I got there and I peaked in the room and relief flooded though me when I realized it was just Damon.

I was about to burst through the door yelling that he left me, and then scared the shit out of me. Again, I know I’m probably over reacting, but then I heard music. I peaked in more and I nearly dropped the camera. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped at the sight of Damon in front of an instrument.

If he were to play one, I would think it would be something loud or disruptive like the drums or a guitar, the last instrument I expected him to play was the piano. I love the sound of it; to me it’s just this beautiful instrument.

I listened to him playing the beginning of Hallelujah, and then my eyes went wider when he started to sing. I never pegged Damon for a singer, and honestly, if I was to picture it three minutes ago, I would think it would be this deep, croaky, horrible noise, I was not prepared for this. His voice was, cheesy as it may sound, beautiful.

I edged my way in farther to see him with his eyes closed and his fingers moving elegantly over the keys, playing it perfectly. I got ready for the next shot, and I brought the camera up to my eye and focused it, and changed the settings before I took a picture of him, but even then I don’t know how a picture could ever capture this moment.

He was oblivious to me in there, or just didn’t care. I think I’m going to go with the first one, because he seems like the type that wouldn’t like people knowing about him being able to play piano, not with the image he has.

I finished my roll taking pictures as he played. I felt slightly stalker like but then I remembered his pictures of me, mostly when I wasn’t paying attention, and then I didn’t care so much.

I was honestly completely awed by him, I don’t know why, a lot of people can play piano, but it just baffled me that Damon could play an instrument so soft and beautiful.

I was so lost in thought I didn’t realize the music had stopped. I turned to watch him play again and nearly jumped out of my skin to see his eyes were opened and he was staring at me. I knew he was there, obviously, but to turn and see eyes scared the shit out of me again. Neither of us said anything, his face showed a mix of embarrassment and anger.

“You were never here” he broke the silence first. Ah, I was right, he doesn’t want anyone knowing

“Why?” I cocked my head to the side when I asked, I was studying him and I don’t care if he knew it.

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