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After the hug the host club filed in, one by one taking off their shoes and situating themselves around her table. Haruhi steps outside and checks both directions before going inside and closing the door.


Once Haruhi gets back inside, everyone looks at her expectantly. The first one to pipe up is of course Tamaki.

"Why didn't you come to school today? Daddy missed you!" He whined rather loudly.

Haruhi was about to respond when the twins cut her off, "yeah, after you left-" Hikaru started.

"Crying because of that phone call-" Kaoru continued flawlessly.

"We were really worried!" They finished together. Next was Honey's turn in the spotlight.

"Then you didn't come to school today and we all thought something bad happened to you so we came to check on you!" Honey said excitedly while Mori hummed in agreement after Honey finished.

Haruhi was about to answer everyone's concerns and questions when Kyoya once again cut her off from speaking to add his two cents on the subject.

"You're an honors student, Haruhi, you can't afford to miss days of school like this. No matter the excuses you make." His glasses glinted and shined as if his glasses were saying, 'you better fucking listen here!'.

"Well, when I was younger my brother was in an... accident. He was hit by a truck and he passed away. Its a really hard subject because I watched it happen." Haruhi answered, changing the truth to fit her needs.

"Aww that's so sad!" Tamaki yelled, tackling Haruhi into another hug. He believed her. So did the twins who were now on either side of her rubbing their faces on hers.

"I think Haru-chan needs some cake!" Honey decided. Cake is the solution to his entire life so it must be the solution to hers.

After everyone quieted down, Kyoya spoke up, "if that is all then what of the call that you stepped out of the club to answer?" This lead the host club to look questioningly at Haruhi once again.

"That was my dad. He called to remind me that today was my mental health day. I've taken one every year since it happened, because today is the anniversary." Haruhi looked down. She hated lying to the host club.

Then there was a knock on the door.

I'm so terrible. I'm trying to make them longer. I'm almost there.
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