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***triggering content ahead

The Omega had no idea what he was supposed to do in such a detrimental and critical situation. Truthfully, he had no idea what was even happening, but his instincts told him to run. Fast.

Though with his body in the state that it was at the moment, he's not exactly sure how far he'll get, but he was determined to push as far as his aching body will allow him to.

He could hear screaming from other Omega's and the authoritative tones of some of the guards off in the distance, but he wouldn't dare to look behind him.

How did this even happen?

One moment he was in his cell, suffering through a horrid heat cycle, and waiting for the monsters of this facility to have their way and inseminate him. Then a young Beta scientist, whom he'd recognized from several different occasions and treatments visited him, but the Beta seemed to be internally struggling. It was a surprise to the Omega when the frazzled Beta abruptly darted from the room in a state of panic, but then returned with an Alpha, ushering him and the rest of the imprisoned Omegas out of the building.

He wasn't sure if he should be thankful or terrified. He's leaning more towards terrified right now.

"They're all getting away! Take them down! NOW!" Hearing the superiority in the Alpha guard's voice reminded him to stay focused and not to slow down even though his veins ached and burned with every step.

As he heard several of his fellow Omegas being taken down by the security team, he could see the very same Beta that let him loose and his Alpha running ahead of the herd and shifting, letting their golden and black wolves come forth and taking off in a sprint, leaving the rest of them behind. On their own.

Maybe he needed to do that too. It was every wolf for themselves now.

Come on Wooyoung, you can do this. He said to himself, but he's dreading it. He's assuming that the adrenaline he has right now is the only thing that's even keeping him upright, so he's not entirely sure how he's supposed to fully shift into his wolf. It's never even heard of for an Omega to shift in the midst of their heat. And if he tries, it'll be more than painful.

Focusing every ounce of his energy he had into it, Wooyoung begrudgingly forced his body to transform into his wolf form, but his wolf was resisting. Every pull of his muscles and shift in his bones caused the Omega to yelp at the burn that's inflicting every part of his body, inside and outside. But somehow, although it was excruciating, he managed to fully transform.

He can't even remember the last time he was in his wolf form.

His bright, white fur glistened beautifully in the setting sun. Wooyoung shook out his fur for a moment and didn't hesitate to take off running again, leaving the shredded lab gown behind him.

There was no way he could keep this up for very long. He was going to have to find somewhere to hide to ride out the rest of his heat cycle. But there was a big problem.

It was that this specific facility resided on the South side of Supreme City, about another five miles to the edge of the woods. He doubted he could make it all the way there in the state that he's currently in. He's going to have to hide inside of the city, which would be highly risky.

He's assuming that the rest of Supreme City's authority have already caught intel of the situation and are probably aware that there are several Omegas loose on the streets. They won't let this scenario rest for much time. Wooyoung had to hide immediately. He'd imagine that the punishment for fleeing would be quite grand.

Wooyoung aimlessly turned down random streets, trying to keep himself out of the streetlights. When the Omega found a discreet, dark alleyway, he didn't think twice before rushing down it, finding an old dumpster and plopping himself behind it.

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