A Bitten Crush (Xylo x Ritchie)

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Xylo POV

We continued on our way towards safe haven after we left my family's house. We had been walking for hours and decided to take a rest in a pharmacy nearby. I took first watch while everyone is resting. It has been stressful since the apocalypse has started but im glad I met these people . They have become my new family in a way. I glanced back towards the group and notice Ritchie moving around in his sleep. It looks like he is having a nightmare. I walked over to him and gently shook him awake.

Ritchie POV.

I had gotten woken up by Xylo saying I looked like I was having a nightmare. Well... He wasn't wrong and I really don't want to think about it anymore. "Sorry for waking you up but that night mare looked bad." He said quietly to not wake up the others. "Its ok Xylo, thank you for waking me up, it was a pretty bad one." I replied in the same hushed tone.

(Making it easier).

Xylo:"Want to talk about it?" He asked with concern in his voice.

Ritchie:"No... Not really." I replied.

Xylo: "You know i used to have pretty bad nightmares as well. But talking with someone about them helped me so if you ever want to talk about them, let me know... Ok?" He answered sweetly.

Ritchie:"Will do" I replied calmly.

Xylo POV

Ritchie and I decided to take some more about things we liked before the apocalypse happened. Is it just me or is Ritchie looking so cute in the moon light that is coming from the windows. Wait! Ugh Xylo, what are you thinking! You don't like him like that.... Right?

Ritchie POV

We finally arvived at safe haven and the military took Xylo away. I hope he is ok, i really do. He is amazing... And cute.... Also his beautiful smile.... Wait! No! I can't have a crush on him. Besides who would love a stupid zombie anyway, I'd only get him killed. I thought to myself. I waited for Xylo to return from the talking with the military and I can't believe they are going to send him on a suicide mission.

Ritchie:"You can't go, its a suicide mission!" I screamed at him

Xylo:"I can do it! You just don't believe that i can." He screamed back at me.

Ritchie:"Thats not it! Its because I...I"

Xylo:"You, You, you what?"he asked growing more angry.

Ritchie:"I... I love you and don't want you hurt." I blurted out with tears streaming down my face.

Xylo POV

He.... He said he loved me. He turned around and was about to run away i quickly grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked but melted into the kiss. We separated for air and I looked into his bright blue eyes. "I love you to Ritchie." I told him and he looked so happy. I brought him into a hug and we stayed like that for a while. "I still have to go on that mission, love." I stated sadly. " B-but you can't leave, you'll die." He begged and I can hear heartbreak in his voice. I let go of him and take his chin gently in my hand and made him look at me. He was on the verge of more tears. "I promise I'll be back, ok?" I said softly while caressing his cheek getting rid of his tears "O-ok." He replied softly. I said my goodbyes and one last kiss from my new love and head on out of safe haven.

(Here you go! Ritchie x Xylo)

(619 words)

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