Q&A answers Part 1?

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Luna_Sunblood i have two older brothers and my favorite YouTuber is Itsritchiew

Sanderssidesfan1 I haven't seen warrior cats but i should check it out

Storm_Alien I haven't watched that much anime and i know bits and pieces of certain animes

WHyCallMeKate 1. My favorite origin series would have to be the first ever origins i watched which would be Origins of Olympus.

2. The reason i started writing is because of the many people who inspired me on wattpad. There amazing stories that they create or scenarios they made using characters from different series. I honestly got inspiration from many of them for example Ashl0390 The-Ace-Shipper JoinTheParty. Them and many others inspired me to try writing and once i did i was happy alot of people liked what i tried doing and was patient with me when writing to time to do for me. Also i can't thank you all enough for giving me the confidence to continue writing.

3. My favorite origins characters
Supernatural s1-Ritchie
Supernatural s2- Jackson or Mitch
Originz - Ritchie, Xylo and Justin
Fairytale- Bryan, and  Jakey
But i do love all the characters from each series but these are my top favorite.

Gamerboydog6 1. I don't have a favorite type of noodle, i like all different types of noodles

2. My favorite marine animal would have to be an orca (Killer whale)

3. I don't think its bad to miss read words, it happens to everyone

1. My favorite book would have to be the book series i read as a child called the boxcar children

2. My favorite song would have to be show & tell by Melenie Martinez

3. My best friend is name is confidential and im not sure if she would like me telling people but you can find her on Instagram @Japanano

4. I did know that actually that i could walk past a murderer 35 times in my life

5. Really? Not many people in my life really love me but im glad some people do. Thank you i needed that today^^

Thank you for all your questions! Thus has been really fun^^ Feel free to comment some more questions if you would like^^

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