Chapter 4~first day of school

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Today was the boys first day of school. Daniel was so stressed and worried he was on the verge of tears.

The brunette little boy was awake just wasn't getting out of bed yet. He heard footsteps come toward his bed, this actually triggered memories of his biological dad.

The little boy felt a hand on his back rubbing slightly "time to get up honey" his daddy kissed his cheek softly. "No" Daniel told the blond man. "Sweetie why don't you want to go to school your going to have so much fun".

"No I'm not" Daniel felt tears well up in his eyes.

"Sweetheart your gonna have fun now we have to get up". Corbyn picked Daniel up out of bed and took him downstairs. The brunette was so stressed that like people his age shouldn't be this stressed.

Jack sat by his brother and saw that something was going on with him"buddy what's wrong" the curly haired boy tried to be quiet while asking since he might want to keep it private and not want his dads to know.

"Nothing I just didn't have a very good sleep last night I kept waking up a lot.

"Awe you could have came and slept with me I would be fine with it" the elder brother told him softly.

The blue eyed little boy nodded and put his head on the table a little too hard. The blond and brunette men immediately turned to the two boys with concern in they're eyes "what happened Daniel are you ok did you get hurt" Corbyn started checking his head for any red spots or anything like that.

"I'm ok I just put my head down too hard" an idea popped in the middle child's head maybe if I say my head hurts I can stay home and not have to go to school he thought to himself "my head hurts".

The blond knew he was trying to stay home but he didn't want to say his kid was lying "how bout this if it still hurts at school I'll come pick you up sweetie". The brunette 8 year old didn't want to cause any problems or be sent back so he just nodded letting Corbyn have his way.

~at school~

Daniels day wasn't that bad so far but it definitely wasn't the best either, these two kids have been whispering and looking at him all day (someone's probably gonna comment like imma kill those kids lol).

He was honestly debating if he should go to the nurse with a "headache" or just tough it out and go home at the end of the day. Before he knew it he saw the kids whispering again and he saw he heard new kid and stupid used in the same sentence.

The 8 year old wanted to low key cry (I can't remember if he's 8 or 6 so whatever the first chapter says is right but I honestly don't remember).

Daniel just wanted to go home to his daddies and have a hug from both of them.

~after school~

Jonah and Corbyn were at the front of the school, Jonah with Zach in his arms(Zach's sleeping). The brown haired brother came running out of the school as fast as his little legs could possibly go, jack walking behind him.

"Uppy uppy" the little boy held his arms up wanting Corbyn to pick him up and hold him. His daddy did exactly what he wanted him to do "hi baby how was your first day did you have fun like I said you would" the blond bounced him in his arms, holding his head.

"Yes daddy" Daniel lied he thought it was going to be difficult or something but it was so easy he just had to say the words that was it no convincing or explanation for it.

"Hi Jacky how was your day" the brunette dad asked his eldest son.

"It was ok kinda boring though we didn't really do much like at all".

"Well at least you had a good day I would never want you to have a bad day" jonah smiled down  at him and put a hand on his shoulder rubbing it softly.

~at home~

Zach suddenly started screaming and crying really hard. Jonah was upstairs tucking the boys into bed so Corbyn has to deal with Zach this time.

"Shhh baby it's ok daddy's here your ok" the blond cooed picking up his baby boy in his arms.

The green eyed mans husband definitely knew more about babies then he did since his sisters are a lot younger then Corbyns sister is so he didn't know exactly what to do.

He just went with the thing that made sense the most and changed the baby's diaper not knowing exactly how to do it but doing the best he could without his husband there helping him.

Zach's cries softened quickly and turned into the happy baby he always had been. Even though Corbyn might not know much about babies he still loved Zach to death and always would.

"Your perfect" the man said softly to his 6 month old son picking him up. Of course jonah came in like a minute after when he didn't need him.

"Lets put our baby to bed" the brunette came up and hugged his love from behind and kissed his cheek softly.

~after they put Zach to bed~

Jonah opened the blankets for Corbyn to lay with him. The blond cane in the blankets and cuddles up to his husband making himself comfortable.

Ok people with 3 story's and keep them both updated are like idek how to explain it but like if you were me you would get it😂

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