One Direction Vacation

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Chapter 4

My "Tiny" Obsession.... With Giraffes.

*Hey guys. So, I'm changing my typing style thing cause it kinda makes the chapters look too short.

"Are you gonna apologize to them now? Mayu....."

Jake was whining now, after I lectured him on the fourth wall thingo, he started asking me when I would say sorry to the four poor, fainted teenagers on the floor. Diagnosis: Shock. Duh. Except for Leprechaun Boy.... I sighed and took out my iPod... A good Evanescence song would do... But as I fumbled through my jacket pocket, I saw my beloved music player wasn't there. I was scared, and angry. If anyone stole that music player, they'd be dead. Then I remembered that I bumped into Horan a while ago.....


*Horan catches me*

*felt something fall out*

*gets shocked because of Horan holding me*

*never notices the iPod*


I quickly ran over to the place where I almost fell and got caught by Leprechaun Boy. And there I find my precious iPod. All broken.

"Uh, is that an iPod? It's broken, you'd better get it fixed."

I turned my head to the sound of that Irish-accented voice,


I shout at him, waving the device into his face. I was angry no doubt. Until.....

"Uhhh.... You wanna go to the zoo Mayu?"

Jake asked nervously behind me. I immediately forget about my music player for a second. Zoo? That means....


I never thought I'd actually do this fangirl squeal but hey, I love giraffes. They're just so darn cool! And they're tall.... Unlike me. Jake's known me for years. He knows that I have an obsession with giraffes. Just like Horan.....


"All right guys see ya later!"

I turned my head again and saw Horan following us. Well, we were all in a taxi since Jake let him with us. He was on his phone talking to the rest of THEM who apparently recovered from my barrage of insults.

"You're coming to the zoo... With us."

"Giraffes are cool!"

"Go yourself."

"Why do you hate me so much?"




"Hahahah aha!!!"


*faceDESK* "OWNED"


And so was the dialogue in the taxi going to the zoo. Dang, he won't stop annoying me! And the fangirls think he's FUNNY.... I stare at him in the face. Then I saw and realized something I didn't notice awhile hago.... Why was he blushing whenever I'm touching or talking to him???

"Hey.... Earth to Mayu?"

Jake was waving his hand in front of my face. I probably spaced out.

"Hey Mayu... You won't like it but... We're kinda stuck in traffic."

My head quickly jerks up and I look out the window. And indeed, a traffic jam. I throw my hands up in the air, again, and I groan in exasperation. What now?

"Yo Mayu, I brought your stuffed giraffe with me... And I won't give him back. He's soft. Really fun to snuggle with....."

That got my attention. And so after a fist fight in the cab, an angry shouting match between me and the driver and a near fatal attack with a spoon, Jake finally gave me back my beloved giraffe and we got kicked out. Well, not really since Horan saved us by doing this negotiating thing cause he was famous and the cabbie was a fan.

"You owe me two now."

"Shut up Horan."

*Please review! Come on.. Push that pretty big button.... I know ya want to.....

One Direction VacationWhere stories live. Discover now