Chapter 24

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"Emma and Kio!" an angry voice says from the side of us. I pull away quick to see Mr Phillips.

Kio wipes his mouth and walks out pushing past him. Mr Phillips clears his throat and looks around the room.

"You came here to help the elderly not to act out a high school musical scene. You and Kio can rake outside with Nick and I'll call Searra in but we need some custodians. This better not happen again," he says sternly. I nod and look towards the brownies in the oven.

"I put the the brownies in the oven already, but I'll get working outside," I say and quickly hurry outside.

Passing by the register I see a bathroom and decide to stop. It smells like flowers and my grandmas house in here, I can't really tell if it's a good or a bad scent. My braids look fine as if the milk didn't ruin them. My sweater is dirty though but I look okay. The nice breeze feels good against my hair when I walk outside. I see Nick and go over to him.

"Hey Nick," I say hoping he'll respond. I earn a nod so I decide to keep my distance. I'm guessing Searra is in the greenhouse.

When I get in Searra is doing something with the soil and her seeds.

"Aren't you supposed to be baking?" she asks.

"We got kicked out, soo...not really," I sigh.

"Oh so that means you can plant with me!" I bite my lip and shake my head already feeling bad.

"Nope, you have to go finish the brownies cause we got in trouble."

"Oh," her face drops.

"Well let me teach you!" she excites running back over to her plant. I follow her and see the pot she's put the soil in.

"You have to make a spot to put your seeds in so it'll actually grow," she tells me.

I make a space and drop the seeds in then close it up. She gives me smile and I give one back.

"Well I should go now, have fun!" she says skipping away. I wish I had her attitude.

I set the plant in an area where it won't be touched and go outside to complete my task of raking the leaves. Nick has done good amount already so there's not too too much to do.

Kio still isn't out here when I finish but it's whatever. Nick is sitting on a bench maybe I should join him. I go over and he looks up at me giving me a weird look. He then notices and scoots over to make room for me.

"Um, I don't really know what to say. But I really fucking hate this Nick. I understand that you're upset at me but you have to talk to me. Giving me the silent treatment isn't doing anyone any good," I tell him meaning every word I say.

"Upset? I'm furious at you Em. You cheated on me, and I don't think you understand how much that hurts. How much it hurts to know that when I'm thinking about what present to get you, what text I should send, what should I wear to impress her today. You were off fucking around with someone, literally stabbing me in the back!" he says back.

All of his words hit me. I knew I hurt him bad but it really hurts when someone really tells you.

"I regret it so fucking much Nick! I promise. It was only like 3 times but I know that's not an excuse. My heart has been aching since the day I saw you break down in that diner, so please. Just give me one more chance," I say pleading feeling tears start to soak up at the corners of my eyes.

We look at each other for a few seconds.

"I just need some time to think Em, I love you," he says and gets up to leave. I see him drive away while I'm stuck here. His last words give me hope.

I hurts me to admit it but I'm getting bored. I'm so tired of this back and forth stuff. I know Nick's love is everything I've ever wanted but the pleasure is too much to ignore. When I'm sitting down doing nothing, sometimes I imagine Kio's fingers tracing every section of my body. His tongue all over me making me go crazy.

There's even times I just want to run to his house and throw myself on the bed, I don't care if there's pain or not. Just by the thoughts my core begins to pool. Shivers go up my spine and I imagine his mouth against my ear and that deep beautiful voice I've learned to love. I've never felt that away about Nick and it makes me mad if I'm being honest. But Kio is something else.

What is this emotion?

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