Part 13

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Both walked out of the hotel, hand in hand, when both stuck into the talk with manager, Nanidni was getting bore, which kunal notice, you go ahead. I am coming.. he gives her assuring smile while she walked ahead leaving she was passing by one vehicle who was park there, suddenly she was pulled inside and the car speed up on the road. the place was aloof with no one around, Kunal who was busy with the manager little away, didn't noticed it. after a while he turned to looked at nandini, but she was no where to be seen, Nandini.. Nandini... he called few times walking ahead but there was no response....On the other hand, Nanidni was struggling in the harsh grip of Rajdeep, as he has managed to kidnapped her.what are you doing? aakhir aap chahte kya hai muzse?she tried to pried off his hard grip from her wrist but he was holding her really tightly, while driving his vehicle side by side.look.. now I am asking you last time, madhu..I am not madhu. she screamed furiously still struggling in his grip, look madhu.. there is no use in denying it now..look.. yeh jo madhu hai.. your wife.. if you love your wife so much.. then would you have behave with her this rudely.. is this the way to behave with any girl..? she blasted.leave my hand.. leave my hand.. she was repeating contiounsly.. wriggling in his strong grip, after a while, he left her wrist. she rubbed it, few tears spilling out of her eyes, seeing the red rashes on her soft skin.sorry.. rajdeep mutter looking ahead at the road.first stopped the car.. she blasted,first you tell me you are madhu..I wil tell. first stopped the soon as he stopped the vehicle, she got out hurriedly and tried to run, but he came from other side stopping her way, look.. madhu has beauty spot below her left b*****.. let me see if you have one. if it is not there.. then you can go..his words made her gasp in horror, without waisting a minute she made wild dash from there running away from him.rajdeep kept looking at her for a while, then with an evil smirk he got inside his car, staritng it, he followed her behind, she was running madly on the hill top, while looking aback at him, he was still following her on the small pathway.after a while she stopped, feeling him not following her anymore, she looked around , he was not there anymore, she turned back leaving a sigh of breath, but her breath hitch in her throat finding him just behind her, he caught hold of her hands pulling her closer, she wriggled, leave me..first let me see the spot.. I will leave you. if I not find it... I have no interest in you if you are not madhu.Nandini was shaking in fear now, she treid her level best to get out of his arms, he wasn't ready to leave her, as he treid to pulled off sari, Kunal all of a sudden came from behind attacking him.leave her.. he turned him harshly.. freeing nandini from his clutch, she stumbled backwards, still shaking with the thoguth of what was going to happen if kunal haven't made it on time.why are you troubling her.. ha.. he gives him tight punch on his face, making rajdeep spilled the blood out.wait.. listen to me.. rajdeep tried to stop him, but kunal wasn't anymore in his senses as he saw , he was trying to pilled off her cloths, he gives another punch into his stomach,why are you troubling my Nandini.. he was going to hit him again, when rajdeep stopped him by holding his fist and turned him around, grabbing his neck, he pushed him off , throwing him on the ground, first listen to me..kunal.. Kunal.. she screamed rushing towards him, but Rajdeep holds her, before she could reach to kunal.. first let me see your spot.. she sturglled, hitting his hand off from her wrist.. leave me..let me see that spot, madhu.. look, madhu you know me. I won't go away like this. he was behaving like a insane, still trying to catch her as she took steps back, prieing off his hold from her ba**** kunal screamed getting up from the ground as he dashed onto his back yet again, pulling him away from nadini, he again started beating him furiously, don't dare to touch her.. she is mine. she is mine wife. not yours.. he spitted still giving him punch in his stomach as both of them landed on the grass below, he squeeze his neck harshly, mad with rage.listen.. listen to me first.. Rajdeep was still trying to the end, he again threw him back form his body getting up to catch Nandini who was again trying to reach Kunal, tell him, make him understand. I have no interest in this small fights with him.. he spoke with his rage breaths holding Nandini in his arms, who was still struggling.I will kill him, madhu.. he gives her menacing look, just let me see once.. just once show me that..kunal rushed again, kicking him on his back, there by pushing him off, don't ever touch her. he started his beating and punching again. she is not your madhu.. she is not.. I don't want to hear anything.. he blasted beating him black and blue..I am trying to make you understand.. from long time.. Rajdeep spoke spitting the blood, she is my madhu.. and he started to fight back with kunal.. she is mine..kunal was enrage listening to him, he gives him back, almost pushing his off the cliff, Rajdeep slipped off the edge of cliff screaming out, kunal was shock, he looked below to see him but there was only shell hole.. nothing to see.Nandini came running from behind him, she gasped realizing that Rajdeep fallen into the pit,I don't wanted to kill him.. kunal murmured in regret..Kunal.. this happened unintentionally. you didn't killed him intentionally, kunal. she tried to comfort him, you did this to save me only, he shook his head taking her in his arms as both share along hug before walking away from there.Unknown to them, behind , Rajdeep climb up on the edge of the cliff, with his bloody be continue..

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