06 - Going Back

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- Neither of us like it, but the time your parents left you is ending, and you must go back. I don't want them to transform me into minced meat because I kidnapped their daughter for a week and don't give her back.

- My parents don't own me.

- I know, it wasn't really the point, you are under their authority while you live under their roof, that's it.

- Am I hallucinationg, or are YOU giving me a speech about authority respect, Gold ?

- Anything can happen Krys. Seriously, even if I loved living with you this week, today we're going home. Even the others left one after the other, we're the only ones who stayed a whole week to squat a room at Platina's. She was more than generous with us, and now we gotta go home, okay?

Krystal turned her head, pouting, crossed her arms, and ended up nodding grudingly. She loved her family, her room, her previous habits, but she was afraid of sleeping alone. He understood her worries, he himself wasn't really confident about it, but it was important that they went back to their lives before going back to school the next week. She sighed and got up from the bed, slipping the strap of her duffle bag over her head before picking up her schoolbag, followed by Gold who checked they didn't forget anything in the room or in the bathroom. Then, he held out his hand hesitantly, and she took it as she sighed again, before following him outside the room. They crossed the living-room and greeted Diamond who came to see Platina. The young quiet heiress walked and took Krystal into her arms, pulling her in a soft hug.

- We'll see each other real soon, you'll always be welcome here, even if I've got to say the tableware's lifespan will be longer without Gold. Cheer up Krystal, if you need anything at all you just have to call one of us, alright ? Blue should meet up with you at your home, she will help you explain everything to your parents. Everything will be alright.

- Thanks Platina, I... Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

- No need to, any one of us would have done the same for each one of us, that's what friends are for. Gold, I don't have any other choice than trusting you, so I will count on you, if you see them, I don't want any misdemeanour, just run okay ?

- Green has seen them? He asked, nervous.

- No, but it doesn't mean they're not there. Take your usual routes, it will be the best way to know if you have to change them.

- Tina, they're ready, the black haired boy chimed, using a nickname they never heard before.

- I know Dia but...

- You said it yourself, everything will be alright, stop pulling them back. They'll keep us informed, isn't it ?

- 'Course we will, replied Gold.

- Then go, don't get tale. We'll see each other soon !

- Count on us, we'll tell you when we're home, concluded the golden eyed boy.

Gold and Krystal waved to them before going outside of the gigantic mansion. They walked down the path to the portal, and the girl held his hand with full strengh as the doors opened before them. It was the first time she was going back outside since the incident, and he held on tight on his friend's hand. His grilfriend. Their friends had accepted their couple without saying anything, but Gold was pretty sure that some thought it was because she needed reassuring that she clinged to him. No one said a thing, she prefered that it stayed that way for now. They walked silently in the streets under the afternoon sun, and Gold tried to walk slowly to avoid arriving too soon. Krystal watched their surroundings cautiously, and when she stopped suddenly, Gold thought he'd see the thugs group who attacked her. Instead of that, he saw a poster for a festival in the neighbouhood, on that evening. She said nothing, but he knew she wanted to go.

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