Chapter 3: Meeting the Gargoyles

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Renae groans as she starts to wake up. She opens her eyes and slowly starts to get up. She looks around, and finds herself in a place she doesn't recognize. "Where-Where am I?" she said to herself. Then, a deep voice answers her unanswered question. "You are here at Castle Wyvern. My second in command brought you here". As the voice spoke, the young girl tried to find the source of the voice. When she did, it was nothing of what she expected. Out from the shadows, a tall, lavender creature stepped forward to show himself. Renae slightly gasped underneath her breath. "You do not need to fear, you are in no danger. You are safe" he said in a calming voice. "Who-Who are you?" she asked, trying to calm herself. "My name is Goliath. And you do not need to be afraid of me or my clan" "Your, what?" "I understand that you are confused by all this, but all will be made clear to you once you are feeling better". Not knowing what else to do, she just simply nodded her head. But then, her eyes widen in fear as she looked around. "Where's Venus?!" she asked, worriedly. "Venus?" Goliath said, a little confused. "My dog that was with me. Where is she?!" Before the gargoyle can answer, both of them heard a loud bark and growl coming from the other room. Recognizing the sounds, Renae gets herself off the bed and goes to find her friend, ignoring the lavender gargoyle's call for her.

                          She follows the growls and barks to a room where it looks like a living room. There, her eyes widen once again. She saw three other gargoyle creatures and a dog like beast cornering the tense Doberman. Her teeth were bared, her growling grew louder and louder. "Sheesh, this one is a lot more stubborn than Bronx, and he's not even that feral" the aqua blue one said. The gargoyle beast, presumably known as Bronx, growls right back at Venus, getting ready to attack as well. "I know, this dog is wild" said the olive green one. "That's not true, guys. This dog is not wild. She was protecting the girl when that guy came, but she got hurt" said the red one. As she watching the trio talk, Renae glances at the red gargoyle. She squints her eyes a little, and then realization hits her. 'He's the one that saved mine and Venus's lives' she thought. "Look, I will prove it to you" he said. The red gargoyle kneels down to Venus's height, who was still glaring and growling at him. "Easy, girl, it's alright. No one is here to hurt you" he said as he slowly brought his clawed hand to her. Then, in an instant, she almost bit his hand and pounces on him. He looks at the dog, very surprised that she was able to take him down in an instant. Before anyone could do anything, Renae shouts her dog's name. "Venus!" she said. Venus's head perks up, along with her ears. When her eyes landed on her human companion, her whole attitude changed from fierce and aggressive to happy and friendly. She gets off of the gargoyle and runs to Renae. She kneels down and hugs her dog around the neck. "It's okay, girl, I'm okay" she said. The dog gives her a couple licks on her cheek. 

                                Venus turns her attention back to the gargoyles, and growls again, but only for a short moment. "We're very sorry, miss. We were trying to calm her down while you were resting" said the red one. "It's alright, Venus just isn't used to strangers" Renae said, a lot more relaxed. "May I ask, who you guys are?" she asked them. The red gargoyle stood forward a bit and said "I'm Brooklyn, and these two are Broadway and Lexington". Then, the gargoyle beast walked up to him, standing next to him. "And this here is Bronx" he said, rubbing his head. Bronx and Venus looked at each other again and growled. "Be nice, Venus" she said to the Doberman. "What's your name?" Lexington, the olive one, asked. "Oh, uh, Renae. Renae Conners" she said to him. "Renae? What an unusual name" Broadway said. Brooklyn elbows him and he gives him a glare. "What? I don't mean it in a bad way" he explained. Renae couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. "It's okay, there's not that many people here named Renae. Besides, I'm not offended" she said. Then, two more gargoyles came into the room. One looked to be older, with white hair and a beard. He had a scar over his right eye, probably got it from a battle. The other was a female, with long, dark brown hair worn in a ponytail, light lavender skin and a white, sleeveless dress. The older one said "what in blazes is making all that racket" By the tone of his voice, he sounded like a cranky old man who just woke up from his sleep. He looked at the human girl. "Who is this?" he asked. "Uh, I'm Renae, and I'm sorry for all the commotion. They were just trying to calm my dog down, because she was worried about me" she explained. He looked down at the Doberman, who was sitting next to Renae. She looked calm, but he could still hear the soft growl coming from the dog's throat. "Suppose she is a bit tense" he said to her. "Why does she act like that" the female asked. "She's very wary when it comes to strangers, it takes a while to earn her trust" she answered. Then, the female gargoyle said "oh, sorry, we haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Angela" "And I am Hudson" the elder introduced himself.  The girl gets up from her kneeling position, and sticks her hand out for them to shake. "It's nice to meet you all" she said. Then, Goliath came into the room, looking at Renae. "Renae, I'm glad I found you. Elisa is here and wishes to speak to you" he said to her. She simply nodded her head and went out of the room, with Venus walking beside her. Unknown to her, Brooklyn watches her leave, a look of admiration appearing on his face. Both Broadway and Lexington look at their rookery brother, and knowing smirks appeared on their faces. He looks towards them, knowing what they were thinking. "Don't you two even think about it" he said to them. They just simply chuckled while the red gargoyle looked back at the direction where Renae left, only to find her gone. He sighed, hoping that he gets to see her again.

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