Chapter 6 (rewind): All...

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A/N: Yo! Sorry for not updating when I said I would. I really appreciate you guys getting me this far. But... as everyone already knows..... school hates us.
As soon as I promised u guys an update, I got 3 tests and a sh*t ton of homework!

Any who, both this chapter and Chapter 7 are dedicated to @WizardLizard001. Thank you for your patience and support. You, my lizard friend, are an amazing person.


3rd Person POV

A small mansion sat on a hill, overlooking the city of Musutafu. You couldn't see the house unless you walked up the hill, and an old ghost story prevented even the bravest souls from venturing up there. In the spacious living room, four people sat; four Underground Pro Hero's to be exact. Two of them were soon to be parents. All of them had eyes and hair that were an array of different greens. At a quick glance, most would have called them all siblings. However, only two were related by blood. Those to being Boka and Hisashi Midoriya, two of the three Midoriya triplets. The two remaining triplets. The two brothers were as close as close could be. They did everything together, even though they were basically polar opposites. Hisashi was, and still is, a nerd. He loved science and tinkering with any cogs and screws he could find. Boka was more of a wild canon, party animal kind of guy. He was street smart. Both brothers (and now their wives) all had one common interest.


Whether it be bopping to a beat or making a beautiful symphony, music was their base ground, something that they could all agree on. Calming or energizing, whatever the case, they loved it.

Hisashi's wife, Inko, was a slender greenette who loved to cook and bake. Her heart was made of pure gold, some would say. Same goes for her best friend, now sister in law, Asagao Midoriya. Inko's slim figure was disrupted by a bump under her shirt. A baby bump...

Asagao sat next to Inko, rubbing Inko's stomach as she placed an ear on Inko's skin, trying to hear the baby. A white flower hovered over the baby bump.

"Just as I thought..." Asagao muttered under her breath. She nodded to Inko, signalling her to cease using her telekinesis, as she sat up straight.

"Is there something wrong with the baby?!" Hisashi and Boka asked, urgency and worry lacing their words.

"Depends who your asking. A power-hungry, egotistical, judgemental asshole or a kind, decent human being." Asagao answered, clenching her dainty yet strong fists.

Me: Guess who I was throwing shade at... Hint: It's more than one person.

This was a bit of a shocker for everyone. Asagao's usual shy/calm tone had completely vanished. She took in a shaky breath, reminiscing past memories.

Flashback time!!!

Asagao had been a late bloomer, not receiving a quirk till age six. Back in her days, quirks weren't even that common, maybe 60% of the population having one. Even still, she was bullied daily. Not physically, just snide remarks and whispers.

Then, after all that, she was blessed with a powerful quirk. And just like that, people had began sucking up to her.

Sure, she had Inko and Mitsuki from before her quirk came, but the people who wanted to be her friend for her new power disgusted her. She had lost contact with Mitsuki after High School, as did Inko.

Flashback end...

"There's a high chance the child will be Quirkless." Asagao confirmed. The household was stunned to silence.

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