Chapter 2: Family Concerns

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A little modification: this chapter takes place a few days after the first one, so it's after the episode 6. But Sabrina keeps thinking about Caliban and Nick every night.

The sun was rising when the shrill sound of the alarm clock rang in Sabrina’s room, waking her up suddenly. 

"Stop it ! I wanna sleep !" Sabrina moaned at the thought of having to wake up when she was well in bed and that all she wanted was to go back to sleep.

She pressed the alarm’s button - not without violence - to turn it off. Then she waited a few minutes to find the determination she needed to leave her bed.

Relying only on her reaction to the alarm, you could think Sabrina hated school, but actually, she loved Baxter High, she loved her friends, and now that her favorite teacher, Ms Wardell, was back, she loved classes as well. It was just the typical reaction of a teenager who spent the whole night thinking about love, and was in lack of sleep when the day finally came.

But as the Queen of Hell, Sabrina Spellman could do without sleep for a day !

Once out of bed, she went to dress up in haste because she was late. 

Then she went to take the breakfast with her aunties.

"Good morning, Aunties. How did you sleep ?” she said with her usual cheerful tone. 

Her aunt Hilda answered first, as always. “Good and yours, darling ?", she often used that kind of cute nicknames, but it made her sound more oldish.

Then came her aunt Zelda’s turn, who was smoking while reading the newspaper as always. “What about you ? Did you sleep well ? And what do you plan to do today ? I mean, the Queen of Hell is probably very busy, do you think you can grant to your friends and family some of your precious time ?” she answered sharply.

Zelda’s words cast a chill. Since her family had learned her new status as Queen of Hell, the subject had become taboo. Everyone took it their own way: Zelda as a betrayal, Hilda as a surprise, and Ambrose as the fate.

“We agreed to not talk about this anymore, Aunt Zee. But since you’re talking about it, no Hell today ! I rest and go to class, studies go first ! I can perfectly spend a day without going to Hell, Lilith will take care of everything.” replied the witch, who despite the aggressive answer of her aunt, reacted the most calmly in the world.

Zelda answered her with a simple “Okay.” without even stopping reading the newspaper.

Sabrina was feeling bad that her aunt was still mad at her, but she decided not to give up because for once since a long time, she was going to live a normal day, and nothing could stop her from being in a good mood !

Once the breakfast over, she prepared herself and threw a “I go ! See you later, Aunties !” then left, still as happy.

After Sabrina left, her aunts continued their daily activities. Hilda was as smiling as usual, but Zelda seemed worried.

“Even if she want to live like a mortal, she’s still the Queen of Hell and the Daughter of The Dark Lord… I doubt she could really spend a whole day without even thinking about it…” she sighed while putting down her newspaper.

The High Priestess stood up and went to prepare herself for her day at the Academy. She had a lot of work because of the Pagans, and it wasn’t her niece’s new status that would get rid of it for her.

Comment if you liked or if you don't understand something, I'm always happy to have new opinions on my story ! Tell me if you find any typos too :)

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