Chapter 7: Things have changed...

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The two teenagers sat down opposite to each other. Sabrina took place on an old but majestic armchair, and Nick sat down on the sofa that he was sitting on a few seconds ago.

The atmosphere was very tense, Nicholas trembled, he must have been afraid of what would happen during this discussion, of how Sabrina would react. The girl, on the other hand, was not afraid at all, she was rather tense, she knew that no matter how it would end up, it wouldn’t be in a good way.

She spoke first, determined to conclude the conversation as quickly as it had begun.

“So, Nick? What do you want ?” she said sharply.

The young man was struck by the dry tone of the one who was still a few days ago his girlfriend. He waited a few seconds and then took her example and found the determination needed to speak normally, without trembling.

“I-I… I needed to know how you were doing! You know, it ended up in a bad way between us…” he said sadly, but at the same time determined.

“In a bad way? Are you kidding?! YOU BROKE WITH ME NICK! My life is going well, and it’s absolutely not thanks to you. If that’s all you came to say to me, you can leave,” she got carried away.

Sabrina couldn’t believe her ears, he had really just acted as if their break-up was a mutual decision? As if he was in no way the cause? She knew her trauma had changed him, but she didn’t expect that.

“I-I’m sorry Sabrina… I need you, I won’t get out of this without you. You’re the only one who can help me. I’m begging you.” he implored her.

“Huh? What do you mean? Why do you need my help? If you’re trying to use my feelings for you against me, you should know that it won’t work.” she continued harshly.

She didn’t understand what he wanted. He might be a warlock, but he used to be honest with her and get to the point. He wasn’t the type to look for pity, at least not before.

“No Sabrina! You don’t understand! I love you! I made a mistake, and now I feel bad. I can’t live without you, I need you by my side!” he said, sincerely.

What he said touched the girl deeply, she wondered if getting back with him wouldn’t be the right solution. He had suffered a lot from his trauma and it had changed him, but he still loved her! He deserved another chance!

“We could start all over again… erase our mistakes?” he added, seeming confident.

It was too much. “Our mistakes”? He had just insinuated that Sabrina had made mistakes too. She couldn’t stand it anymore, he was just going up and down in her esteem. She had been too quick to judge, no second chance for Nicholas Scratch.

“Our mistakes? Cause, I made mistakes? I may be hard to live with, but at least I didn’t cheat or lie to you. I was gonna give you a second chance, give us a second chance, but you changed my mind. You are no longer the Nick I used to know,” she replied with disgust. 

Her answer had just destroyed all of Nick’s hopes, she had said it in such a way as not to give him any hope and to show him that there would be nothing between them anymore. However, he could not give up on her, not her. 

“Spellman! Please! It’s not my fault! I-It’s your father, every time I think I feel better, the memories come back and fear takes me back, it’s like he’s still inside of me!” he hurried, panicking.

“You already know that my father is gone, please stop looking for excuses. It’s all over between us, so please get out of my house, or I’ll make you,” she ended the discussion coldly.

She stood up and approached her interlocutor, she made him stand up too and guided him to the entrance. She made him get out, but just before leaving, he turned around and said one last time, desperately.

“Don’t leave me, Sabrina! Please! If you don’t help me, I’ll die! He’s too strong for me!” he reached out to her in the hope of bring her closer to him, but she pushed him away.

“Despite everything we have been through together Nick, things have changed. There’s nothing left between us, I’ve moved on, now you have to do the same,” she concluded, her expression between compassion and sadness.

The young woman then locked the door of her house, breaking all the connection between her and Nick.

She let herself slide against the door, and ended up sitting, leaning against it. She 
was sad, she had just lost someone she really cared about, without even being able to help him. She no longer recognized herself, she pushed him away so harshly…

A deep feeling of hatred toward herself struck. Sabrina wasn’t blaming herself for rejecting Nick, she was blaming herself for doing it so easily, she now thought of herself as a monster. Maybe that’s what being Queen of Hell is. 

On the other side of the door, Nicholas was in the same position as her, leaning against the door. The tears that was flowing on his cheeks were full of sadness and fear. If Sabrina had not believed him, who could? She had rejected his hand, she had rejected him. He knew intimately that everything was over for him.

He stayed like that for a few dozen minutes, hoping that the one he was considering as his only hope would change her mind, then he ended up leaving. The Nick who was then leaving the Spellman house was no longer the same as the one who had entered it a few hours earlier, he had lost fundamental things: love and hope.

I'M FINALLY DONE WITH THIS DISCUSSION !!!! I hope you'll like it ! It was pretty hard to make Nick speak because I don't really like him, I was like "HUHHHH WHAT SHOULD I WRITE ?!?!". But now it's posted !

I hope you're all safe ! Don't forget to rest, it's important !! Take care of your families and friends !

Leave your thoughts in comments, I'd love to know what you think of this chapter :)

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