Chapter 4: The Codex Inferno

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After the bell rang, all the students of Baxter High went to their classes. Sabrina and her friends came to Miss Wardwell's literature course.

They sat down and saw their dear teacher drawing schemes of Hell on the board, as she was used to doing lately.

Marie Wardwell had hosted Lilith into her body for three months, and her departure had changed many things in the teacher's life: she had a three-months blank in her memory, her fiance had vanished and she had nightmares about Hell.

That's how the one you were calling Greendale's unofficial town historian had begun to research information about Hell in literature as a therapy. It was thanks to that same researchs that Sabrina and her friends had managed to go to Hell to save Nick.

Lately, she had her students study John Milton's Paradise Lost, and especially the infernal capital described there: Pandemonium.

The topic was pretty familiar for Sabrina since the town they were studying had kind of become her second house.

So, Sabrina had decided to ignore the course and the questions that were asked to avoid leaking any informations. However, a subject particularly interesting to her was finally mentioned:

"The Hell's capital is ruled by an infernal aristocracy, whose highest ranks are Prince and Kings of Hell, above them is only Lucifer." the teacher explained.

Prince... This word echoed a long time in the girl's head, so long that she didn't even heard the noise that meant the end of the course.

"Brina ? SABRINA ?! The course is over ! Hey ohhh !" Harvey yelled at her.
"Hey, you coming ?" added Ros.

The girl then woke up from her her thoughts.

"Sorry guys, I have to talk with Miss Wardwell, see you later !" she answered.

After her friends left, Sabrina was the last student still in the room. She went to see her teacher.

"Miss Wardwell ? I've some questions to ask you about the course." she started.

"Sabrina. Sure, what kind of questions ?" the teacher replied, surprised to see the girl who had however seemed elsewhere during her course.

"In fact...I would like to learn more about the Princes of Hell, especially one of them. And I was wondering if you could guide me in my research", the girl asked timidly.

"Okay. Which Prince exactly ? And why are you interested in him ?" she said, looking very interested.

Sabrina took a few seconds to think about what to say so as not to give her too much informations.

"Well, his name is Caliban. I heard he was different from the other princes, and as you seem to know a lot about the subject, I thought you could learn me more about it" she improvised, using a bit of truth.

"You were right to ask me. You see, I recently discovered a strange book in my library, and it explains everything there is to know about Hell and things related to it." Miss Wardwell exposed her discovery to her student, a bit of pride in her voice, while taking the book she had mentioned out of her purse.

This book was indeed very particular, it smelled sulfur, and its deep black cover seemed to be made of human leather. Sabrina had recognized it, it was the Codex Inferno, an unholy book gathering all the most secret infernal knowledge. Lilith had already shown it to her before, it had probably stayed in her host's house after her hasty departure.

This chapter is finally out ! I hope you liked it ! You can leave your thoughts about it in comments, I'm always happy to answer ^^

And tell me if you find some typos please !

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