Chapter 5: Unexpected spectator

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Sabrina left the classroom with the Codex in her hand. She had made research in it with Miss Wardwell, then had erased her memories about their discussion and about the book before leaving. 

This book contained some of the most secret informations about Hell, and as Queen she could not leave it with a mere mortal, even her favorite teacher.

She felt guilty for having erased her teacher’s memories, but at the moment she was more concerned about what she had learned about Caliban in the Codex

“Caliban, Prince of Hell, has been made with clay from the Pit itself, and so is borned from Hell. He is the most worthy heir to the throne, Morningstar family aside.” 
Here is the problem: she already knew all that. This book supposed to contain all the infernal knowledge knew nothing about her rival.

She didn’t understand how such a thing was possible, there had to be an explanation! Someone must had erased pages from the book ! However, it seemed in perfect condition.

The girl was looking for an explanation, but nothing seemed possible to her. She decided to drop these thoughts from her mind and went to the girls’ locker room, the time of her training with the Ravenettes was approaching, and punctuality is a golden rule among cheerleaders.

Sabrina arrived in the locker room and went to dress next to Ros as usual. She put the codex in her locker with her bag, which her friend of course noticed.

“What is that book, Brina ? It smells like Hell.” she asked. 

Fortunately, Sabrina had no secrets for her friend, they told each other everything.

“It’s the Codex Inferno, a book gathering all knowledge of Hell.” she replied, in a low voice. 

“And where did you get it ? In Hell ? I’ve never seen it before.” she added.

"Not even, that’s the most surprising thing. It was Miss Wardwell who had it. Lilith must had left it at home when she left." continued the girl.

Ros was pretty surprised, who would have thought that Lilith would forget such an important book in a mortal’s house.

"You erased her memory, I guess." she whispered.

Sabrina nodded, she had been forced to do it, that poor woman was already having nightmares, if in addition she had learned all the truth, who knows what would have happened to her.

“Come on girls, let’s go !” Lizzie, the team captain, screamed. 

They all went to the football field. The training began with simple warm-ups followed by laps of field, then they repeated their sequences. The next game was in two weeks and they had to be ready, for their team, and for their honor.

All went without too many problems, apart from that Sabrina felt watched, there were spectators, as always, but this time it made her feel uncomfortable.

When the training was over, Sabrina went to say goodbye to her friends. She dressed and then started to leave.

“Hey Princess, finally finished dancing with your mortal friends ?” Caliban came out of nowhere and called her.

Sabrina got startled by the unexpected arrival of her rival. She straightened pridely to not show her feelings for him. 

“Caliban ? You’re following me now ?” the young Queen said coldly.

inside, she regretted being so cold with him, but she didn’t know what to expect, he was always so.. different from others.

"Don’t take it that way, Princess. Since when is it wrong to watch your rival, especially when she’s so cute?" He told her with his arrogant and charming tone.

"S-stop lying ! What brings you here?" Sabrina babbled, blushing.

Caliban had a smirk on his face, someone like him must had noticed the effect he was having on the girl.

“Don’t get angry because of that. I just came to see what my Queen does when she’s not in Hell, nothing more. But I can leave if you want.” he said, confidently.

“And why would you have the right to observe me like that ? I know nothing about you, me.” she complained.

“Well, we’ll just have to spend the day together so you’ll probably know me better.” he giggled.

Sabrina began to blush once more, her rival had somehow proposed her a date.

“M-me ? Spending a day with you ?  I already told you there would be nothing between us, Caliban !” she got her act together as she was about to accept the proposal.

"You don’t understand anything, Princess. I’m sorry I bothered you. See you at the third trial, and don’t forget, it would be sad if I became King of Hell by default." replied the Prince, obviously offended by this refusal.

“Caliban ! Wai-” she called him, but he had already disappeared in a vortex of flames.

This discussion left to the girl a bitter taste, she felt like she had ruined something. Why did he come ?  Maybe he just wanted to see her...

I've finally catch up with the French version ! The next chapter will probably be longer to make ^^' Anyway, I hope you liked it ! I wasn't sure with Caliban's speech, so if you don't understand it, say it and I'll change it :)

Leave your thoughts in comments, I'm always happy to answer them and it motivates me a lot  !

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