The Western Dream; part 3

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I continued to stay with Lee as the years went by, now at the age of 20 and with Lee getting older. He let me take over the ranch for a while.

"Joshua get in here," He said shouting from his room.

I made my way over to his room where he sat in his chair, I leaned up against the door," Yes, what do you need?"

"Is there any arbuckle left?"

"No, I checked the cupboard this morning and the last bag is empty."

"Well I could of sworn we had more," He said scratching his head," Can you run down to the general store and get a couple more bags."

"Yeah, I'll be back soon."

I left the house and got on my horse making the way into town. On the way I pass old Mrs. Smith's house. Each and every time I go pass she is sweeping the porch. I'm sure there's more things she can do around the house besides sweeping the same damn spot all the time. Mrs. Smith pauses and usually smiles and waves at me. I waved back and continued on, the way to town wasn't too long, but it does get tiresome. 

When I reached the general store, it wasn't as crowded like it usually is. The owner Mr. Newell when seeing me walk in went over to the shelf and grab three bags of coffee. 

"Your old man sure likes his"

"Well he has at least four cups a day, old man is getting older..needs his energy." I metioned.

"So how is the ranch going?" Newell asked handing me the coffee bags," That'll be twenty-five cents there then."

"Good I suppose, I do most of the work now which is okay but I need extra help here and there," I said handing him the money," And I ain't too fond of that Isaac fellow, till this day he gives Lee and I trouble."

"Have you talked to the Sheriff?"

"Oh I've tried but Lee doesn't want me too," I began," Always saying Isaac will have his time soon."

"What does that mean?"

"Haven't the slightest clue."

"Well you should at least start letting the Sheriff know, 'cause what if Isaac is doing this too other farms as well."

I took thought of what Newell had to say and then left. I put the coffee in the saddle bags, got on and headed home.


"Its 'bout time you came back," Lee grumbled," Didn't know it took ten years to jus' get arbuckle."

"Sorry," I apologized setting the coffee down," I was talkin' to Newell."


"And what?"

"And what did Newell have to say?"

"Oh...oh nothing much really, just asking about the farm."

"Well that's good and nothing else?"


"Okay, well I'm gonna make some coffee. I've been dying for a cup!"

Lee got up and shuffled his way out of his room, I followed behind and sat at the kitchen table while I watched him grab his usually coffee cup and started making himself some. I crossed my arms over my chest and my eyes wandered over to the burning flames of the fire, going into a day dream kind of state. Lee sat across of me and waved his hand in front of my face mumbling things to himself, he sipped from his cup and sat it down. I got up and took the poker turning the wood over watching the sparks fly up in the air. I could here Lee slurping on his coffee and then set the cup back down.

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