pups and matt save rider / pups save matt with rider

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last time Cheas and Skye with matt help get together without no save can matt keep up when the pup or will it go down hell ready fast let find to lets go.

Matt with rider was walk in the wood when Rider said ok matt I ask about your past away of the pups and I what to tell me the truth ok. Matt said ok rider I tell you so what do you what to know about me rider ok tell me everything that you know ok as matt begin to tell rider what he know about his past and his only friend and family he had before he come into the PAW PATROL when matt get done he star cry and this time rider was there and give matt a hug and said to him why matt was crying Rider said it ok to be said I tell you right now we the Paw Patrol will help you and find you friend and only family you have ok matt. matt was so he was done cry he said thank you rider I would like that ok but I don't know why her at right now. As rider and matt was walking in the woods the ground under rider begin to give out matt had see this he said to rider lookout the ground is a going to get out on you so soon matt said that that ground give out and rider fell down. Matt had seen this and begin to help out rider and than rider said matt thank you about I call the pups on ok than Rider begin to said no job is big, no pup or fox is to small PAW Patrol to the lookout. The pups said Rider need us as they a got into the lookout when Marshall had a food bull than he said pup but had to get a eating way here and they all lague now at the top of the look out Cheas said PAW PATROL ready of action Rider sr min matt.

HI pups sorry to bug you well I need you to save well me ok here what happing why I as walk in the wood to ground give out in me and about matt he here with me right now he the only that stop me for felling down is him so help than matt said hurry up I cant hold you up so pup get here fast please. Cheas said to help on the way matt and rider as the call ended now Cheas begin to said ok for this I need you Skye I need to get rider into your hornet than Skye said this pup get to fly than I need you Marshall I need you to get rider a check up after this ok than Marshall save I am ready for a ruff ruff reuse and I need you Rocky I need to fix rider pants after this ok than Rocky said green mean go and for the rest be on stand buy I am need you than Cheas said ok PAW PATROL is on a roll.

Cheas and the pups can and have seen where matt and rider was than Cheas said ok Skye you up then skye ok and fly to matt and rider was matt had seen this then look where he was and matt said we are here get rider out now Skye then me ok than Skye ok matt and she got rider out of there and then the ground was about to give out some more and it did and matt fell down more than skye oh no matt she cry.

Time skip

Thank pups for save me then Skye said what about matt where is he than rider said to her I don't but skye don't fell sad we will save him ok so don't cry ok. Rider with the pups what back to the lookout without matt there and all as not happy and cry for there friend than Rider said to the pups ok pups we will find him together ok as a team ok for now we eat.


Now matt in so much pain because he fell but he save Rider he got up but fall back on and yell in pain matt said ok I am pain so I live but where am I and I need some help here I hope rider and the pups find me and save me but than a voice said hello Mr. are ok do you need some help then matt said yes please help me but the way may name matt and who are you he ask this voice she said I know who you are matt it me you only friend and family before the PAW PATROL matt eyes what so big he find her and she find him rate now all he said was RUBY.

Now at the lookout rider said to his pups ok pups we know what two so i need all paws on this on to find matt ok then Rider said no job is two big, no pup is two small everyone lets find matt as a team.

Meantime in the woods matt with ruby she was help matt out she said ok matt you need rest now ok than matt said thank you ruby but can you come with me home ruby?

Ruby said i can't right now matt i give you three months for you find a home then matt said to her i do have a home and a job i am im the Paw Patrol as there wildlife help ruby matt said what a smelly. Ruby have seen this and head him and seen his fox tag and said ok matt i what to come with you right now but i can't right now ok then she here the pups and rider come to save him. Ruby said i see you around ok bye matt i love you so much ok.

Time skip

Now matt was save and said thank you for the save pups and Rider then said you are welcome matt and if you need help this yell of help and they all what back to the lookout.

Matt was save and back with the pups and rider at the lookout can matt do his job or will matt be out lets find out.

Next time pup with matt save jake/pup with matt day off the end of s1

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