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Dawson and I have been sitting in the café for over two hours, since Charlie cut me a little early due to the low foot traffic volume and the fact that I finished more than my days' work; so I would've been standing around doing nothing the rest of the night.

Dawson had come prepared for his proposition, printing out a rather extensive list of girl baby names that start with the letter A, confident that it would help seal the deal and he will finally get his date. He undoubtedly had this planned from the moment he walked into the shop today, convinced I would ultimately cave into his efforts and give him a chance.

"Let's have some fun," he smiled wickedly, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

Little does he know; my name isn't on that monstrosity of a list. I took a peek at the paper when he went to the restroom before beginning his quest for such a small piece of information about me. I chose not to let him know that the list was a waste of time and him, being none the wiser, dove straight in.

We had posted up in a couple loungers by the coffee counter, sitting across from each other, and are presently in an intense stare down as he lists name after name in alphabetical order - only to be denied immediately thereafter.

I smugly lean back in my seat and prop my feet up on the coffee table in front of me in a mocking manner, implying to him I needed to get comfy for this since we are going to be here for a little while.

So far, we have made it up to the 'Al's' and he is miserably failing. To entertain myself, I look up different ways and languages to tell him that he is wrong.

He was right... this is a fun game.

He started off strong and hopeful at first; I give him that, but the further we get on the list, the more frustrated he becomes. His knee is bouncing so hard that I am sure I can feel the vibrations through the floor. His frown lines become evident and the small indented crevices between his brows deepen when they tightly furrow together in the middle.

The pages of discarded names that had previously failed him are scattered all across the table between us.

"Alice?" he asks?


"It's... Alexis, right?"

"Nein," I stifle a fake yawn with the back of my hand and check my imaginary watch, just to light a fire in his ass.

"Fuck. Allie slash Allison?" he tries again, running his finger through his rebellious curls.

"Uh uh," I shake my head.



"You're not just fucking with me, right? Have I already guessed your name and you just decided to watch me squirm?" He looks at me, a serious expression on his face.

"Hey, we made a deal and I am a lady of my word. I promise you haven't guessed it yet," I assure him.

His jaw clenches tightly, sharpening his features, but he nods, accepting my answer as the truth. He looks back down to the list to pick up where he left off.

" has got to be Anna?"

"Nope," I pop the P obnoxiously and smirk at him, causing him to drop the pages on the table exaggeratedly.

"Son of a bitch! There are a million girl names that start with an A." He huffs, leaning down to cradle his head in both of his hands with his elbows propped on both of his knees, seemingly defeated.

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