She's mine

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It's been 3 days since McGillis had taken me as his prisoner and force me to marry him and make my and Orga's child his. I was terrified. I didn't know what to do. I pray that Orga finds me soon so I don't have to give birth to our child here. (she's not close she's just saying) McGillis walked then walked in with an outfit that he wants me to wear.

"Good Morning my darling. I hope you slept well. Here's your outfit today. Get ready we are going to the outpost for some shopping." He said. I just nodded my head and said nothing. Then he left. I started to cry again.

"Orga please hurry," I said. And I did what I was told and got ready.

Orga's POV

I can't believe McGillis managed to get into our ship without us noticing and took Y/N. I was so angry with myself that I let this happen. I suddenly heard a voice.

"Orga please hurry." It was Y/N's voice. I don't know how I could hear it but, I couldn't reply all I heard was:

"Orga please hurry." and "Shopping at Dort 3" I immediately went to tell the crew even if they thought it was crazy.

"Guys I know where Y/N is!" Orga yelled running into the room.

"Okay, where is she?" Eugene asked.

"She's going to be at Dort 3. But it won't be easy getting her back since she will be with McGillis. We will need a plan of attack and a way to get her away from him."

"We would have to lower the guards out and then find a way to get McGillis to leave."

"Alright it's settled then, let's go to Dort 3 and get Y/N back," I said and thought to myself:

"I'm coming Y/N"

McGillis POV

Y/N walked in dressed in the clothes I gave her this morning.

"You look beautiful my love," I said but she just walked to the ship we were taking to Dort 3. I thought to myself "She'll learn to love me."

Time Skip (Nobody's POV)

McGillis and Y/N reach Dort 3 and they start their shopping. But, what they didn't know was that Orga and the gang were already there ready to rescue Y/N.

"Ready?" Orga said.

"Ready!" The gang said all together. There plan was to McGillis away from Y/N then draw out the guards left with Y/N. Eugene and Shino dress up as Gjallarhorn soldiers in order to get McGillis away.

"Mr. McGillis your presence is required. We have a situation."

"Yes right away. I'll be back." He said and kissed Y/N's hand. They walked away now all was left were the two guards. Eugene and Shino come back and told the guards that McGillis got into a situation. So they went after him. And that was their chance. Orga comes up to Y/N and picks her up so they can get out quickly. She was very sleepy because she could barely slept so she had no idea what was going on. They managed to get to the ship quickly before McGillis noticed she was gone.

On the ship (Y/N's POV)

I woke up in a panic because the last I remember was being on Dort 3 shopping with McGillis. I look around and I see Orga beside my bed and I realize that I'm home.

"Orga?" I said softly.

"Y/N!" He yells and hugs me. I was so happy to be in his arms again. But what everyone didn't know was that McGillis put a bracelet on Y/N without her knowing and McGillis was planning on killing Orga. That was McGillis's next move.

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