8. Daquiri Confessions

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"So, he kisses me and then he asks to come upstairs to my apartment."

"Did you let him up?" I asked Taylor as I took a sip of my Strawberry Daquiri. We've been at the bar for about an hour now and she was telling me about the latest guy she went out with.

"I did. He came upstairs and things started to get...playful."

"And then?" I asked. I knew this story was going to end badly. I could tell by her tone.

"Then he gets a call on his cell. From his wife."

My eyes widened as my mouth dropped. "His what?" I breathed. Okay, I was not expecting that.

"Yep. Married. God, I know how to pick 'em, don't I?" 

She sure did. Her past "encounters" with men have been horrible. They either cheated on her, lived with their parents, or seemed to be married. I felt for the girl. She was beautiful and had a great personality. I had no idea why she kept attracting these assholes. Why couldn't she find a guy who captivated her? One who was mysterious...possibly with tattoos. 

"What about you?" Taylor asked as grabbed some of the French fries we ordered. 

"What about me?" 

"You dating anyone? Interested?" 

Oh, great. Not her, too. First Janet takes an interest in my love-life and insisted I needed sex. Now, Taylor is doing the same thing. In all fairness, it has been a long time since I had been intimate with a man. The last time was with a guy I had been casually seeing. I liked him, but I also kind of pushed him away. At the time, I was extremely stressed while I was trying to keep the bakery opened. It was just too much to deal with. 

"No, Taylor. I'm not seeing anyone," I answered. 

She stirred her drink with her straw when she asked her next question. "What about Nikolai?" 

I had been taking a sip of my drink and nearly choked when she asked me that. "What? Nikolai? No, I'm not seeing Nikolai, Taylor." 

"Why not?" She smiled as she continued, "He's sexy and he has that quiet thing going on. Besides he's totally into you." 

I doubt that. I couldn't think of two people who were more not right for each other. Yes, I was attracted to him, but who wasn't? He was gorgeous and seemed like a decent guy. He could probably have any girl he wanted. "I'm not so sure about that." 

She turned towards me and studied my face. Her quizzical look made me uncomfortable and I shifted in my seat. 

"What?" I finally asked. 

"Something happened, didn't it?" 

I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes at her in an attempt to be believable. "Please, like that would ever happen."

Her eyes widened and she started laughing. "I knew it! Something did happen! You have to tell me. Right now." 

I shut my eyes tight for a moment and tried to collect my thoughts. Besides Janet, Taylor was the closest thing I had to a real friend. All of my old friends from school had families and were too busy to keep in touch lately. They had no idea what was going on in my life.
Maybe it will help if I talk to Taylor.

"Fine. We've been hanging out. A little. He's been helping me close the shop." 

Her eyes widened and I could tell she wasn't actually expecting me to tell her that. Or perhaps she wasn't expecting Nikolai and I to actually be spending time together. Which wasn't surprising since I could barely believe it myself.

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