14. Moscato: Good for the Soul

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"Nikolai, do you copy?"

Officer Hanson's voice came through the com in my ear. I was currently standing at the corner of 5th and Wick while I waited for Rick to show up. It was after midnight and I've been here for half an hour already.

Officer Hanson and Ryssa were in an undercover van parked quite a few blocks away; but still within eyesight of me. I was surprised that Hanson was able to get this approved from the chief. Apparently, they really wanted to get Juan Garcia and Rick.

"Yeah, I copy," I answered into the receiver.

"We have eyes on Rick. He's approaching from the east. If anything goes wrong, give us the signal and we'll move in."

I was relieved and terrified to have the police at my back with this. In my old life, I never would have confided in the cops. I would have probably ended up dead. When I thought about the reason why I was trusting them now, my answer was always in the form a beautiful little baker.

In the short time that Ryssa and I have been together, I've somehow fallen in love with her. I actually wanted things with her. A relationship. A future. Neither of us have voiced how we felt, hell, I don't even know if she feels the same way. I guess we'll see after we survive this.

Ryssa wanted to be with me when I met Rick, but with the help of Hanson, we were able to convince her to stay in the van. I didn't want her anywhere near Rick or anyone else who could hurt her.

Speaking of the asshole who is currently trying to ruin my life, I saw Rick approaching from the direction Officer Hanson told me. As he approached me, I couldn't hold back my chuckle when I saw the cast wrapped around his hand and the sling wrapped around his neck.

"How's the hand?" I asked wryly.

"Very funny," Rick countered as he held my stare. "You made a real mess of my men."

"They'll live."

Rick snorted before handing over a black duffle bag. "Everything you need is in there. Weapons, ammo, blueprints, everything."

Reluctantly, I took the bag. "I don't want to do this, Rick." This needed to be realistic so he didn't catch on; and I had no problem with that. I didn't want to do this. Any of it. I wanted to keep the life I made for myself.

"I told you, Ghost, do this job and that's it. You're free."

"Don't call me that," I barked. "That's not who I am anymore. Besides, you told me I was free to go last time, too." 

"Keep telling yourself that, Ghost. But nobody ever really changes. They just bet better at pretending to be someone else. And this time is different. We won't bother you anymore."

I scoffed. "Because I'll be dead after, right?" I knew Ryssa was listening, but I couldn't help it. I was livid.

"That's up to you."

Refusing to argue with this asshole, I threw the bag over my shoulder and crossed my arms over my chest. "Enough of this. Are we done here?"

I started to turn and leave when Rick stopped me. "Wait, there's one more thing." I turned towards him. "Get some rest. This happens tomorrow."

Without saying another word, I turned and left. Tomorrow? That was way too soon for this. This had to be some kind of retaliation against me more than one Garcia. They have to be setting me up. Rick was probably pissed off that I left Detroit in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if Juan Garcia's men hadn't stolen anything from Rick in the first place.

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