Bathrooms are where you think!

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For you new readers here's who are unfamiliar with these terms here are some terms:

(Y/n)- Your name

(L/n)- Last name

(F/c)- Favorite color

(F/f)- Favorite food

(H/c)- Hair color

(H/l)- Hair length

(E/c)- Eye color

~~~~~Year XXXX

A girl was practicing with a sword in the middle of a small forest. It was spring so the cherry blossoms would be blooming soon. 

The girl looked up at the rising sun and smirked thinking to herself, "My parents should be wondering where I went by now... Oh well let them wonder." 

The girl's beautiful (h/c) hair swayed gently in the small breeze. She turned her attention to the trees around her, which were starting to have little buds. 

"I love this time of year, I wonder if I will finally have a break of it all this time," She wondered out loud.

~~~~~~Back to the story 

As (Y/n) heard about what Hanako and Yashiro were doing all day. After hearing the poor story she mentally facepalmed herself. 

Taking a deep breath (Y/n) began to say, "You two clearly don't know anything or have any common sense. That is not how you win someone over. Besides the way you described him he must be asked out every day. If I'm right then either he's turned down every single one or he is in a relationship. That means you have to try even harder to stand out for him to notice you exist." 

The other two looked almost like attentive students and had listened with a bit of interest. 

"So this means even after everything my Senpai won't notice me?!?!?" Yashiro whined. 

"Why look so sad? We have our number zero with us!" Hanako said. 

(Y/n) is referred to as L for legend or zero for being there before the rest, that is if they don't call her by name. 

"Zero?" Yashiro asked. 

"Don't you remember a story about the school that was passed down by your seniors or did you forget? Anyways the story was about a girl dying and staying here before the school was even built. That story is about our (Y/n)-Chan!" 

The two kept rambling on for a while so (Y/n) was thinking of a plan that could work. 

After a while (Y/n) got an idea. As she stood up Hanako and Yashiro stopped talking, (Y/n) told them her plan and their faces lit up while nodding.

It is I! Author-Chan! I still want to know if I should make the reader a Yandere because I have some ideas but it's not for everyone I guess, until then signing out!

The school legend has... a crush? (Hanako San x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now