The Mitsaki Stairs (Part 2)

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~~~~~~~~~~Year XXXX

(Y/n) snuck out again with her sword in hand. It was summer now so she could move around more. The girl took out the sword and aimed at a tree.

(Y/n) made a side ways slash and what seemed like ice came out from the tip. (Y/n) widened her eyes at the destroyed tree before her.

"Sweet rice crackers," (Y/n) muttered, "I'm sorry tree I did not mean to do that."

(Y/n) genuinely felt bad because she liked plants, and trees were always so peaceful. She looked at her blade and saw that it had turned a light blue color. The girl started to panic a little at the new color.

"Water should wash the color off!" (Y/n) thought out loud.

(Y/n) ran a little until she came up to a lake near by. She lowered the sword down into the water, but before the katakana hit the lake's surface ice started to spread out on the lake. (Y/n)'s panic and fear turned into annoyance and anger from one of her famous mood swings. Her worried frown turned into a scowl. 

"Why are you like this?!? Why won't the ice just melt!" She shouted angrily.

As if on command, the katakana turned a fiery red and all the ice melted. (Y/n) dunked the sword into the water and it boiled for a few seconds before stopping. Panting, the girl lifted the sword out and made a sigh of relief when she saw that the sword had turned back to normal. But she also noticed that she didn't feel cold anymore.

"Why does most of the weird stuff happen to me?" (Y/n) said with exhaustion.

~~~~~~~~Present time 

The group of four stood on a different staircase from where they had started and surrounding it was definitely NOT the school.

"Welcome to the Boundary, number two's area," (Y/n) said a little dismissively as she climbed the stairs.

I wish that I could have held Hanako's hand a little longer, but it might've been weird to do that...

"This is the netherworld," Hanako-Kun started to explain, "The missing students should be here somewhere... Although I can't guarantee their well-being."

"Here..?" Yashiro said.

The surrounding area was filled with random items and small dolls were placed everywhere in sight. Water soaked the floor and (Y/n) lifted the bottom of her Kimono so it wouldn't get wet. However when Yashiro saw the water, she touched it with her hand and fish scales sprung up.

The quartet continued their journey up the stairs.

(Y/n) started to space out a little again. She began to wonder how number two was, after all it had been a while since they last spoke. In a way, the two mysteries were quite similar.

(Y/n)'s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing, (Y/n) turned around and saw the phone making that noise.

The quartet went up to the ringing phone and Yashiro answered it.

A female voice started to speak from it, "It's Mitsaki. I had been teaching my students in the schoolhouse at the top of these stairs. But I was killed here, torn to pieces. Right in the place where you are standing. Say would you... please look for my body? I can't do anything as I am now. First my arm. My right arm. That is the arm I use to hold the chalk for writing letters. Do hurry. Class will be starting soon."

There was a click and Yashiro said, "She hung up..."

They heard a few clicks at the back of that area and saw a stand with a sign that read "Place arm here" An hourglass flipped and (Y/n) noticed that time was limited. (Y/n) realized the fact that even if they do find body parts, it was highly unlikely to be a good body. (Y/n) imagined what they might create and picked up a big log that was about the size of her arm. She took out a sharp blade from one of her fans and started to carve.

I've seen small little figurines in the art room, I know how to make them but this one will need to be a bit bigger. 

(Y/n) heard a small commotion and looked up to see what it was about. Hanako was holding up a magazine in front of Kou and Yashiro. Curious, (Y/n) floated over to see what was on it... It was a girl in underwear advertising the magazine... (Y/n) had no words but about a million thoughts wondering if she could ever compete with the girls in the magazines. So a little deflated she went back to carving out the arm.

~~~~~Sometime later

The group showed off the arms that they had found. Kou had found a wooden carving of a muscular arm, Hanako found a robotic arm, and Yashiro had found the right arm of a mannequin.

At the moment (Y/n) was biting her lip and gripping her finished wooden arm in attempt not to laugh at the sight in front of her.

 After Yashiro was finished complaining about the boy's arms, Hanako started to speak, "Hey, Yashiro... Not sure how to bring this up but... something seems weird about you."

The weird thing that Hanako was referring to was that the flat girl wasn't so flat anymore...

"You think?" Yashiro asked innocently.

(Y/n) was starting to shake a little from the laughter trying to escape.

"I'm pretty sure this is how I always am?" Yashiro said with a little sparkle in her voice.

"I don't know about that..." Hanako said.

Yashiro did a pose and an ultra padded bra fell out from under her shirt. 

Kou and Hanako just looked at each other quietly while it took all of (Y/n)'s effort not to laugh. Yashiro on the other hand was saying gibberish. Hanako put his hand on her shoulder and said to her, "It's ok you don't have to say anything..."

(Y/n) couldn't hold back any longer and broke into a fit of cute giggles and laughs. The trio looked at her amazed. (Y/n) slide her mask so that her left eye was covered but the rest of her face was visible. She had a beautiful (e/c) eye and the rest of her face seemed to compliment her eye, from her adorable nose to her lovable smile. 

The rest of the group's faces turned red and they all thought in unison one word "Cute". (Y/n) noticed all of them looking at her and her face turned a little red from embarrassment. Panicking, (Y/n) slid her mask over her face and threw the arm she made into the place where the right arm was supposed to go with only one second left in the hour glass. 

"C-C'mon guys l-let's go the door opened." (Y/n) stuttered.

The rest followed her to the next area with unreadable expressions. 

They didn't have any problems or distractions as (Y/n) would rush to find a carve-able wooden object and make the required body part as quickly as she could.

Author's note: My laugh sounds like I'm dying but the exact same thing happens to me when I take down my hair for a minute... Also to clear things up, they worked a little faster than in the manga and anime so that's why they didn't run out of time, even with (Y/n) laughing, and since they didn't run out of time the dolls didn't start to move and why the scissors didn't try to kill them. This one was a little longer than the rest since I had more time and sorry I didn't post or write anything for such a long while! 

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