The Misaki stairs (Part 1)

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~~~~~~~~Year XXXX

Practice. Practice. Practice. That's all they ever say to do. They never let me go outside the house  by myself  either. After that winter I've been able to get sick very easily and so now ever one treats me like some sort of delicate flower. Not only that but I'm always freezing, as in I touch something that isn't human and it will have ice in the area I touched.

Won't even let some of the family around me...

(Y/n) sat in her dark room with a blanket and a warm cup of tea in her hands. At first the tea was boiling hot but now it was just warm after it came in contact with her. 

Why am I even here? I'm of no use anyways, especially not in this condition. Why do they keep me around, the only thing I'm good for is showing off family pride. 

(Y/n) looked at the pile of work in the corner and thought some more.

I'm only thirteen what are they thinking!

~~~~~~~~~Present time 

How will I save her? She is on the good side of my judgement list but I only bend the rules that much for people at the very top. What to do, what to do. I am starting to take a liking to her as well so I probably can. 

(Y/n) was walking down the halls to the girl's restroom. Why did it have to be there? 

Eventually she got there and opened the door to find three people in there. The commotion between the three stopped when she came in.

"Let me guess a school mystery problem?" (Y/n) said plainly.

"Our classmates disappeared and nobody seems to know who we are talking about! It's like they didn't exist at all!" Yashiro said with concern.

(Y/n) turned to Hanako and saw his face, so before he could go onto one of those lengthy explanations she started up, "That is most likely number two's doing. If you step on the fourth stair of that stair case you get transported to the boundary. Think of the boundary as the place between the netherworld and this world. If someone crosses it they are erased from existence, but some people like you and Kou-Kun can remember them."

Kou and Yashiro started talking to each other and (Y/n) turned to Hanako.

Her girly expression was hidden behind her mask while she thought to herself. 

Why is he so perfect! From his personality to his looks, it's all so perfect! His big amber eyes are something I could get lost in just by looking at them! AHHHHHH THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!? I should probably say something to him so he doesn't get suspicious.

So regaining control of her emotions, (Y/n) said, "What will you do? You're probably going to go with those two aren't you? Of course you are, what am I saying, it is your job as number seven. But I shall be going along as well, after all it has been a while since I've visited number two."

Hanako put his hands up and said, "You've figured it out again (Y/n) Chan! But I'm surprised you want to come along, you usually don't like to deal with these things."

(Y/n) huffed and turned her head to the side, slightly offended, "This is my school too! Of course I would care, besides I need to look after all of you in order to ensure that everything will be fine. Not to mention that while you'll be weaker in another mystery's territory, I will be perfectly fine and at full strength."

Hanako went up to (Y/n) and placed a hand on her shoulder, which made her internally panic, he looked at the dark eye holes in the mask.

He the said, "I'm sure that we'll be fine but thanks for worrying about us!"

Worrying about you, (Y/n) thought. 

"Ok everyone time to go visit number two!" Hanako said.

~~~~~~~~~~Time skip

The group stood in front of a wooden stair case dripping with what looked like blood and all seemed to have different expressions. Yashiro had a fearful expression, Kou looked shocked, Hanako looked perhaps a little interested, and (Y/n) had her smile hidden under her mask.

I'll finally get to do this with Hanako-Kun! I can't wait to finally show him what I can do!

(Y/n) said a little out of the blue, "Ok children! Let's all hold hands and walk up the stairs together."

The two living humans gave a small gulp. (Y/n) grabbed Kou and Hanako's hands, (Y/n) got really excited from holding Hanako's but kept herself under control, and Yashiro grabbed Hanako's other hand. 

(Y/n) looked at Hanako and Yashiro. What is this feeling? I don't want her to do that, but she's like my friend? And friends don't get mad at each other. Besides I'm holding his other hand! Never in all my years have I felt this way!

Snapping out of it (Y/n) came back to reality. Together the group walked up the stairs to the third step. (Y/n) looked at the people she was next to and met eyes with them nodding.

Hanako sighed and said, "Ready, on three? One. Two. Three." 

The group put their feet down on the fourth step and was transported to the boundary.

~~~~~~~Author's note 

Ahhhhhhhh I'm bad at this aren't I? What do you think Reader-Kun/Chan? Also what do you guys think of (Y/n)-Chan so far? Also I have decided to make her a Yandere but it'll be a progression into it. 

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