Avoiding Me And Walking Around You

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/ / A V O I D I N G M E A N D W A L K I N G A R O U N D Y O U / /

I close the textbook and turn to my roommate. She's in the kitchen stirring some sort of chili sauce. "I think I want to go on the pill."

Anna tilts her head to the side, "Not using condoms anymore?"

"Well...yeah...but...the other night, before Matty and George went to Australia...we didn't..." And it's something that's been bugging me for the longest time, I didn't exactly know how to come about and mention it to Matty, and I suppose that, mixed in with my confession and his nonchalance about said confession, threw me into distancing myself.

Of course, talking to Matty last night, having him sound so out of it, if not a little sad about my sudden distance has got me thinking how silly I'm being. I should definitely be able to talk to him about these things, right?

"Jesus," Anna calls out placing the spoon in the sink and turning to me with a raised eyebrow, "Marcy, he's already about to father one person you –"

"He pulled out," I know it's not the best method and precum is still just as dangerous but I cut her off, absently checking my phone. I haven't gotten a text from Matty since he hung up, but I'm surprised to find one from Natalie. I lock my phone, not wanting to read the text, in time for the door of the apartment to open.

"Who pulled out of what?" Jamie says, but there's something off about his voice, that I have to look up at him. He's wearing a scarf around his neck and it seems so out of place because it isn't a fashion scarf, it's full on knitted wool and it's not at all cold outside.

"Matty, apparently, pulled out of Marcy." Anna answers coming to from the kitchen to take a seat beside me at the table. "What are you hiding under the scarf?"

"Why did Matty pull out?" Jamie says slumping across from Anna, running a hand through his golden hair. It's a lot longer than it's ever been and I idly wonder how it would look in a bun.

Anna frowns and I bite my lips, "because I'm only seventeen and I don't want a baby?"

Jamie furrows his brows for a moment and Anna and I share a look because he seems so out of it, he isn't even fathoming what we're actually saying.

"Why would you get a baby?"

I roll my eyes and Anna ignores him, turning to me, "Do you want to talk to my doctor about it? I can set up an appointment for you."

I nod, "Thanks, you're the real MVP." I turn back to Jamie, "What are you hiding under there?"

"Under where?" he scratches at his neck under the scarf.

"Aren't you hot?" Anna asks, eyeing him as she stands to go check on her meal.

Jamie leans back, scoffing, "I'm always hot." I reach over and tug the scarf from his neck, he's too slow to stop me, and it's already come undone.

"Jesus," Anna screeches, "Have been mauled by a bear?"

I clutch the scarf to my chest, "Jamie..."

His eyes are wide, and his hands are frantically trying to cover the hickeys on his neck dipping into the collar of his shirt.

"Weren't fucking about when you said Drew was kinky..." I whisper.

"No," He groans, giving up and rubbing his eyes with his hands, slouching in the chair and he looks like he's about to cry. "It wasn't Drew...it was Steve."

Me and Anna share a look, "Um...who?" I ask.

"His twin."

"Shit," Anna and I react.

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