It's Alright, It's Alright, Baby

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/ / I T ' S  A L R I G H T ,  I T ' S  A L R I G H T ,  B A B Y / /

"You'd make great mom one day," and although coming from one of my dads, it's extremely heartwarming to hear, it's also utterly terrifying, because these are things I don't want to hear when I'm seventeen. Had Papa told me this months ago, I wouldn't have bat an eye, but upon my return home, the scrutiny my boss, Jimmy, gives me, the raised eyebrows Anna gives me when I'm on the phone, and the quick change of channel Jamie manages when any entertainment news comes on revolving around Matty Healy and Stefani Klingenberg – it's all starting to make me uncomfortable.

There's no doubt in my mind that Matty hadn't lied to me about what he believes, but that's just it, isn't it; he's so adamant that he's not the father, he isn't really thinking clearly, there are definitely possibilities that Matty could have gotten her pregnant. And that terrifies me for two reasons; he'll either call off our relationship, or as George had put it, I'd be some variation of step mom.

I clutch my sister a bit tighter to my chest; she had dozed off in my arms while Papa was attempting to make dinner. Usually, Daddy was the better cook of the two, but Papa was really insistent on trying to make this Vietnamese meal, feeling vacation sick – just the very opposite of homesick.

Ari coos softly in her sleep and I finally take my eyes off of Papa's figure, leaned over a pot on the stove and peer over to my sister. My hands are clammy, sweat seeping into her outfit and my heart is stuttering.

Being with Matty, I can genuinely forget things like rumors going around the media, but even having just come off the phone with him a few hours ago, the thought is suddenly replanted in my head. And it's not just headlines and tweets, it's a montage of George calling Matty out, Jimmy's talk with me on the phone, even an off hand comment from my Daddy earlier, "I hear that Matt Healy guy is off the market, gonna be a dad or something."

"You okay, princess?" Daddy says, nearly startling me as he takes Ari from my arms. She fusses a bit, but calms down while snuggling into Daddy's chest.

I nod my head, and clear my throat, "Yeah...I just...I'm worried...about school."

He ruffles my hair with one hand, "You'll do fine, kid, you have a month to go, just relax, college life is the best."

I hardly pay attention to what he says afterwards, I don't really make an effort to converse after Papa's finished cooking the admittedly good meal. I kiss them goodnight before returning home where I find Anna and Jamie are seated on opposite ends of the couch, avoiding each other as usual, fiercely glaring at the TV.

They've been acting more terse around each other more so than usual, I assume it's from the fact that Jamie hasn't been in his own place for days, but I could be wrong. I toss off my jacket and toe off my shoes, bounding over to them and plopping down in the middle.

It's silent and I realize the TV's on mute. The tension is thicker than I anticipated and I bend my knees towards my chest, my chin resting atop them. It's eerily quiet as no one says a word.

"I'm scared." I finally say.

Jamie pulls me close to him and rests his head against the crook of my neck, his nose warm against my neck. He reaches a hand over me, barely skimming Anna's fingers on the couch. "Me too," he admits, but its for a very different reason, and I don't wish to pry. Anna sighs and rests her head back on to the headrest, her hands giving in and loosely linking around Jamie's fingers.

We must have fallen asleep like that because when it's morning, we find ourselves untangling from each other, quickly getting into the shower and getting rid of stale clothing. Jamie turns the mute off of the TV and entertainment news is showing on the current station, as we rush to get dressed and ready for work.

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