Chapter 10

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Payton and I had just got back from the amusement park.

We're both getting out of his car

Payton: Come on Eli don't be mad.
Elizabeth: I literally almost died.
Payton: it's just a roller coaster.
Elizabeth: I'm terrified of roller coasters.
Payton: I didn't know you were serious.

I walked through the door and ran upstairs into my room.

I'm tired as fuck.

I took off all my clothes and put on my favorite pajamas

I took off all my clothes and put on my favorite pajamas

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I then grabbed my MacBook and watched Netflix.

As I'm in the middle of the show I'm watching, "Grey's Anatomy", I discovered the smell of macadamia nut cookies.

Elizabeth: is my mind playing tricks on me?

I got out of bed and slipped on my pink branded slides. I creeped down the staircase to see who baked those cookies.

Im walking out the kitchen and my heart jumped out of fear.

Payton: BOO!
With my reflexes I smack Payton upside the head.

Elizabeth: what the hell.
Payton: ouch!
Elizabeth: sorry.
Payton: I baked cookies for you.
Elizabeth: I didn't know you were a baker.
Payton: I'm not. I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am.
Elizabeth: your so sweet.

I grabbed the whole plate of cookies and went back to my Netflix while laying on my stomach.

I'm eating my cookies and I notice Payton from the corner of my eye. Before I knew it he was on top of me.

Payton: you hair smells good.
Elizabeth: would you shh the interesting part is on.
Payton: what so good about watching doctors cut people open.
Elizabeth: that's not what it's about.
Payton: then what is it about.
Elizabeth: Watch it for yourself.

I felt Payton wrap is arms around my stomach. He then place his head on my shoulder. He had shut his soft eyes and relaxed while still on top of me. I shut off my laptop and put it on my nightstand.

Elizabeth: Payton.
Payton: hmm
Elizabeth: would you sit up for a second. I want some cover.
Payton: no
Elizabeth: come on I'm tired payt.
Payton: I like how I'm laying though.
Elizabeth: no Payton move. And I can't sleep like this.

He got up so I could get some covers. I laid on my side and he pressed his self against me wrapped his arms around me and went to sleep.

the middle of the night

I had woken up to a dark room and strong arms around me. I looked over to see if Payton was still asleep. He wasn't.

He tried to play like he was sleep so I kissed him on his cheek and but his lip. There was a smirk on his face. I whispered in his ear and asked

Elizabeth: do you still wanna play these games.
Payton: let them begin

He brought himself closer to me and massaged my breast. He then started kissing on my neck and after he was done I had 3 purple hickeys. I turned back over to face him and made out with him. I put my hands on his dick as he try's to control himself. He pulled down my shorts and began rubbing on my inner thigh. I got on top of him and started grinding on him. He placed his hands on my hips. As I'm grinding on him I leaned to his ear and said.

Elizabeth: let the games begin.

I got off of him and put my shorts back on and laid back down.

_______End of Chapter?10____

Signa Mae who portrays as Elizabeth

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Signa Mae who portrays as Elizabeth

Payton Moormeier who portrays as Payton

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Payton Moormeier who portrays as Payton

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