Chapter 14

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I woke to long arms across my cold body. I felt his breath against my back.

Elizabeth: are you up?

No answer.

I turned to face him.

Elizabeth: Anthony?

He began to smirk trying to hide it. I punched his arm.

Anthony: ow!

I punched him again.

Anthony: OW!
Anthony: I'm sorry
Elizabeth: you better be

He then rolled on top of me and pinned my arms down on the bed.

Anthony: do you really wanna play with me?

I gazed into his brown eyes and messy bed hair. He came so close to my face that I can almost feel his lips on mine.

Elizabeth: it's my phone.
Anthony: saved by the bell?
Elizabeth: shut up.

I checked my phone and read over 50 miss messages from Payton and 33 miss calls.

Elizabeth: what the fuck!
Anthony: what is it.
Elizabeth: it's Payton. He's gone crazy.

Anthony: what do you mean?
Elizabeth: literally he sent a message "I swear I'll kill Anthony if you go anywhere near him." Like who says that.

Anthony: Relax he's just jealous that we're hanging out.
Elizabeth: yea ima go over to pick up a few things and I'll just stay here for awhile.
Anthony: sounds good. Maybe you could come to California with me until you have to go back to Florida.
Elizabeth: sounds good.

Anthony and I drove to Payton's house.

Elizabeth: you wait in the car. I should take 5 minutes.

I went inside and noticed the door was unlocked.
I ran in and hurried upstairs got my duffle bag and began packing. I'm close to the end of getting my things Payton walks in.

Payton: what are you doing?
Elizabeth: I'm getting my things....
Payton: where are you going.
I had to think quick I couldn't tell him I'm leaving with Payton.

Elizabeth: I'm going to Palm Springs with Aria.
Payton: are you lying?

He came closer.

Elizabeth: Payton. Step back your too close.
Payton: Does that make you afraid?
Elizabeth: what's with you? Back away.
Payton: No.

I quickly got up and grabbed my bag and walked out the door only I didn't get far.

Elizabeth: DONT ever touch me.
Payton clueless of what he just did.
Payton: I'm sorry Elizabeth. I'm sorry.

I sprint down stairs and ran inside Anthony's car. Payton followed me.

Payton: you told me your going to palms springs.
Elizabeth: how you think I'm getting there.
Payton: this is not ok.
Anthony: payton chill.

Payton: no!
Elizabeth: Anthony just drive off and let's go to the airport.

💘So it's the end of this story! Part 2 will be here soon and it'll take place in California. Be ready and sorry for the weird ending it'll be explained in the next book.💘

💕Seductive Eyes- Payton moormeier🖤Where stories live. Discover now