Chapter 7: From the Keepers of Magic

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As they stepped out from their latest portal, Tom and Harry breathed a sigh of relief to be alone together. But the sensation did not last as they felt the presence of many; yet saw no one there. Tom was unnerved and cradled Harry closer to him as he was pointed to a bare stone alter in the middle of this clearing beyond a gated and fenced area.

"Where are we now?" He whispered softly, "I can sense so many eyes that see us here; watching, waiting, but yet; they cannot be seen by me."

Harry only hesitated a moment, "L'Menvis d'Vesdrac; as the Elves would have once called this place."

Tom stopped and looked to him with something akin to awe and hesitance, "The Path of Souls?"

Harry nodded as a sad smile crept to his face, "Yes. The name is rather ironic given our situation and is truly fitting. It is here within these mountains beyond the forest that my ancestors rest in eternal slumber when immortality has become too much for them or because they simply feel the job of watching over the balance for them is done."

"Lord Death ensures no disturbances interrupt that rest. I am unsure of how he does that. For those lords and ladies who have given of their lives to preserve magic; even if it makes their soul closed off and empty; Death rewards those who adhere to their calling and follow it until it ends."

"It is here they will witness the rise of their next Lord and his chosen. It is here that we will become blessed by them and you will be bonded to me for forever to receive a part of my immortality as your own."

Harry flushed a light pink to his now pale cheeks, "We will be bearing all for them to see of us. To judge and more. They will be the ones who decide if you are to receive the blessing we want. I will make sure they understand how I need you despite what has occurred between us. But if they refuse..."

Harry trailed off, and Tom paled to the notion of losing him forever.

He still walked forward; towards where they needed to be, and Harry calmed the storm inside him as he too allowed Tom's presence to comfort the younger wizard. As they reached the gate that opened the way to a meadow; a spirit sentry appeared from nowhere and brandished a spectral wand to them as an aura of danger was felt.

"There shall be no trespass on the grounds of the Immortal Peverell Family. Return now from wherever you come from, or be returned to Mother Magic." The sentry warned

Harry had Tom gently let him go as he then stood before the sentry. Wariness was within his every movement he made while the ghostly eyes watched Harry with equal wariness.

"My name is Lord Harry James Potter-Black Peverell; I ascended to my position as the Lord of Magic and now seek the acceptance of my ancestors to my bond with the one whom both my magic and I have chosen to stand beside me." He told the sentry

The sentry then semi-relaxed his stance but did not yet allow them passage, "Present to me the ring of the Peverells and I shall allow you past."

Harry nodded as he then showed the ring to the sentry. The ghostly specter eyed it and then nodded. He bowed low in apologies, "You and yours may pass, Lord of Magic. May the blessings of the immortals be yours always."

Tom was stunned to the words the sentry spoke; it seemed more than simple to use such a phrase.

Harry then moved forward slowly as his lover followed and watched him with caution. Harry was still tired; and there was more to do.


As they entered the central sanctum, Tom noticed suddenly that they had moved to a summit atop a cliff near the waterfall. The rushing sound of water was louder than previous as the light shown down on the place; it seemed almost as if all the gods and goddesses allowed it to pinpoint here.

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