(Tzuyu) - With these hands

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Ash gray and silhouettes. If you look inside the heart of Chou Tzuyu that's all you get...ash gray and silhouettes. Silhouettes of those she once loved not being pertinent to her anymore, and gray representing what's left of her disintegrated heart.

Click "over here" click "look over here Tzuyu." You'd think she'd be used to the flashing lights and the attention but all it really did was annoy her.

"Ms. Chou Tzuyu what was your inspiration for your latest piece?" A reporter asked.

But as per usual, she gave them a cold look and continued on her way.

As the most famous artist in all of Korea, she didn't have time for pictures or interviews, she only had time for herself and her work. The mere stupidity of fame antagonized her but how could she blame them? She was beyond talented, the epitome of beautiful, many thought one look in her eyes and you'd fall under a spell. But what they didn't realize under all the beauty was nothing but a cold, ruthless being.

She continued walking through the path her bodyguards provided for her, keeping a cold demeanor towards those who attempted to speak to or photograph her.

Finally, after much displeasure she found herself in the safety of her office.

"If coming here every day is this much of a quandary, I might have to find myself in a different line of work," She sighed sitting at her desk, overlooking the streets of Seoul.

"Well Ms. Chou, that's the price to pay for having such a gift," her assistant, Park Jihyo, replied.

Tzuyu appreciated Jihyo in everything she did for her but what she couldn't stand were the praises. It was never her intention to become world-famous, all she wanted was to share her art with others, but it came in a heinous storm of glory putting Tzuyu on an unnecessary pedestal.

"Hm," Tzuyu hummed in response.


Now just a couple neighborhoods over stood Y/n L/n. A foreign student attending the most prestigious art school in the country of South Korea.

"Mianhae professor," Y/n violently bowed, apologizing after running into class intolerably late.

"Don't worry, just please take your seat."

Y/n panted, timidly making her way to her chair. All eyes glued to her making her feel shy, but they had every right. The girl was in complete disarray, hair out of place, shaggy clothes. Granted she was a beautiful girl, but a train wreck nonetheless.

"Late again? You okay?" Her best friend Chaeyoung asked barely above a whisper.

"I was up so late looking for work, nobody wants to hire a low life art student," She whispered back.

"I bet they'd hire you if they knew how talented those hands of yours are," Chaeyoung smiled sweetly. (I know it still sounds sexual but this is how it's staying)

Y/n blushed, deep down she knows she's talented but compliments make her embarrassed regardless, "thanks Chae."


Back in Tzuyu s office, she was pacing in slight frustration, "You really have to go?"

Jihyo sighed packing her things, "My mother is ill. You know I wouldn't leave if it wasn't important."

Tzuyu was cold to everyone but her assistant, she was her right-hand man. Jihyo practically took care of her as the artist was always so absorbed in everything but her physical and mental health.

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