(Jinsoul) - Pretend

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No this isn't new...I just rewrote the ending🌚

Y/n's POV

It was a stupid idea really, probably one of my worst if I'm being honest. Yet here I was anyway, standing at her doorstep like a complete boob.

I straightened out my appearance, sucked in a deep breath, threw caution to the wind and knocked on her door. To be real I genuinely contemplated just leaving cause, like I said, this was a terrible idea. But before I could change my mind, the door swung open revealing the girl I was looking for.

Jung Jinsoul.

"Y/n?" She laughed dryly, "what the hell brings you here?"

Me and Jinsoul have known each other since diapers. You see, she grew up just across the street which ultimately lead to several play dates.... here's the thing though.

You would assume me and her were the bestest of buddies but

"Hey, loser, I'm talking to you."

It was actually quite the opposite. She was the kind of childhood friend that wasn't really your friend but the moms had margarita Friday's so you were forced to build a sand castle with satan.

I cleared my throat and looked at her nervously, "Jin, I think you might wanna sit down for this one."

She gave me a look of confusion before ultimately shrugging and letting me in.

"A nice place you got here."

She chuckled, "yeah, you gonna pee in it this time?"

I rolled my eyes at her smug demeanor, "that was one time, twenty years ago, in a fucking sand box. I had a weak bladder, okay."

"Yeah but I couldn't play in my sand box for weeks just because you were an un-potty trained five year old," she snapped back.

"And there it is," I smiled, "the Jinsoul I know and love, you really haven't changed a bit have you."

She crossed her arms and smirked, "just get on with it, yeah? Just tell me why you're here?"

She asked her question from before almost instantly making me nervous again.

I shuffled my feet together in attempt to muster up the courage to ask her the most ridiculous thing I've ever asked in my life, "it's really really embarrassing."

She rolled her eyes for the millionth time since my arrival, "say it, just rip it off like a bandaid."

"Well you see," I gulped staring at the rather intimidating blonde, "my family really wants me to drive to their place for the weekend and I kinda, sorta...toldthemthatIhaveagirlfriend."

She looked at me stunned, "what the fuck did you just call me?"

I groaned and dropped to my knees, holding her hand, practically begging, "I told my folks I was in a relationship because I didn't want them to be disappointed in me cause my sister is already married and all...anyway, I came here to ask you if you could please be my fake girlfriend for the weekend pLeAsE."

"Oh god," she groaned, "just, just put the bandaid back on."

"Please jinsoul, please," I cried.

She looked down at me in mere disgust before ripping her hand away, "will you get up you stupid baby."

I complied quickly, getting my shit together and sitting on the couch next to her.

She had a healthy mixture of confusion and irritation just right there on her face which makes sense given the situation.

"I don't get why you came to me for this, can't you just ask your ex girlfriend?"

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