Chapter 3

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Y/N P.O.V.

The window started to brighten up as I awoke. Sitting up, the room brightened rapidly, but not enough to blind me. I was still wearing my armor, which was kinda dirty from the sand, leaving little grains in my sheets and comforter. I threw the covers off, ready to start the day. Opening the doors, I caught sight of some of the servants who were walking down the hall in the opposite direction. I closed the door behind me and noticed a little envelope hanging off of the handle. It said "To Y/N, From Shalltear Bloodfallen" It was written in blood a little too nicely... I get the feeling I should read this in private, after witnessing how Shalltear acted in my presence earlier... Sliding the envelope into one of my inner pockets, I teleported to the dining room. My stomach growled furiously. Strange, considering that it would've taken me longer to work up an appetite in the real world... I'll have to take note of that as well as my outburst from yesterday, I usually don't get worked up like that, but it seemed like my feelings were heightened for some reason... I was lost in thought when I heard a voice call out to me. Turning my head I saw that it was one of the staff who was wearing some kind of chef getup.

Staff: "How kind that you grace us with your presence, Lord Y/N. " She bowed as she greeted me, a smile covering her face. She stood back up. "And to what is the great honor of your visit your lordship?"

Y/N: I didn't enjoy one second of her speech, due to the fact that I hated rich people and people with a superiority complex. Though, I didn't say this out loud, I just smiled. Again, my stomach growled, even louder this time, and instead of discomfort, it caused me great pain. My expression shifted for only a second.

Staff: She left the room in a hurry, running to the kitchen there was a loud commotion, voices and kitchen appliances fought to cancel each other out, to no avail.

I sighed and took my place at the table. Every member had their own chair, mine was made out of Top Ramen... 

(JK... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) Mine was made out of various pieces of armor. I wanted everyone to remember me as a rogue and a thief, should I stop playing or die in real life. Even then, I was still proud of this thing. After all, those that I had stolen from were the very players that had harassed the other members. Though Tabula or one of the other members had carved "All who possessed these armors, are now beneath my bottom." I chuckled, it was one of the things that I liked about these guys, they looked after each other rather than leave them to die or sacrifice themselves.

Staff: The clatter and voices had died down, and for a second, I was worried. That is, until I heard the kitchen door open. The staff members had stacked various plates of food on the table, just looking at all of this was causing me to salivate. "Anything else, Lord Y/N?"

Y/N: "No, thank you though. You may leave." I waved them all away, I didn't want them to watch me eat, it would creep me out. Digging into what ever was closest to me, my vision was a blur and time passed in the blink of an eye. I drank a glass of water to wash everything down.

Satisfied, I stacked my plates and bowls into a neat pile for the dining staff. I started to walk to whatever room I wanted to, and ended up in the study or, whatever it was. Opening the door, I saw Momonga struggling to use some kind of mirror that lets him survey the area outside of Nazarick. Rolling my eyes, I walked in and sat down in a chair and used my Surveillance spell.

Momonga: "Finally." He said loudly as he figured out how to use the mirror. Though, I was already one step ahead of him. There was some kind of massacre going on, soldiers killing civilians for whatever reason. "Hm." He stood up and messaged Albedo, telling her to meet him at the location of the massacre. "Gate." He said and walked through it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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