Chapter 1

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Italics = thoughts

(Parenthesis) = Author's note

Bold = Deep voice

"Quotation Marks" = Speaking



It has been 12 years since Yggdrasil started and after all that time, it's going to shut down. I remember when I helped beta test the game; I was allowed to make a custom race which I named "Divine Divinity." (Props for those who gets the reference) It was an angelic race that was immune to holy damage but I had to make some Adjustments to make it not so OP, and I decided on a level cap of 50, half of the standard cap of 100, to make a greater challenge for myself to master.

I noticed the unjust treatment of inhuman players early on, and I stepped in whenever possible. That's how I met all the members of Nines Ooal Gown before they were a guild. I preferred to fly solo unless needed; mostly teaming up for PvE events just for the fun of it. I only found the Tomb of Nazarick when it was flooding with skeletons. Due to my race, I had very low chances of surviving, but I did anyway without dying. I had to explore to find supplies and high level items that I could trade to other players. With my knowledge of the Tomb, the members of Nines Ooal Gown kept me around to assist them with their capture of the Tomb itself. I went my out on my own because of my avatar not being inhuman. Even though they argued that I wasn't fully human, but an Angel. I just didn't care..

Now, to the present... I was just walking through the Great Tomb of Nazarick... Why? Because I became a member some years ago. Anyway, the player list said that Momonga and HeroHero were online, and I just wanted to say goodbye after all these years of being friends with them. As soon as I opened the door, HeroHero logged out. 

Y/N: "Hi Momonga." I waved calling his attention.

Momonga: "O-oh. Y/N! It's great to see you." He sent me a happy face icon, how cute...

I took my seat next to him and laid my head down on the table. To be honest I was really tired today and I just wanted to sleep.

Momonga: "You OK?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I just want this day to end..." My voice trailed off and I let out a deep sigh. "But until then, I'm here to haunt you until the servers shut down."

We both laughed at that really stupid joke, I could tell that he was sad because we had to say goodbye after this...

Momonga: "So..." He paused for dramatic effect. "Do you want to go to the throne room?"

Y/N: "Sure. Why not?" I said as we both got up. 

I wanted to see if I could beat him there, so I took off in a sprint heading to the throne room passing by everything. I opened the tall doors leading to the throne room, and smiled when I entered. The room itself was huge with banners, a really high ceiling, a throne, two chandeliers, and a beautiful succubus NPC named Albedo who was created by Tabula.

I took my place to the left of the throne when Momonga entered with Sebas and the Pleiades following him. He stopped and gave them the "Standby" command before taking his rightful place on the throne. "Bow Down" was the second command that he issued. I decided to look at my dagger that the other members had gifted me. The name of it was "Fluffy" I only named it that because everyone needs a blade called "Righteous Authority" or a chest plate named "Darkest Void." The clock was winding down when I put my dagger away. Momonga finished messing with Albedo's settings. I cared not, because he probably did something stupid, not my place to care...

Momonga: "Just 5 seconds left... It's been one heck of a ride."

I closed my eyes and prepared for the inevitable...









OK... Is it over? I opened my eyes and looked at the throne room before me, the servers must be glitching or something like that. I stood up, only to feel myself become light headed. The effect only lasted less than 1 second. Hm, strange and kinda scary. I tried to open up my menu, only for it to not be there. I kept trying to activate it.

Y/N: "Naaaahhhhhhhh...." My voice was a low annoyed growl, and slowly grew to a berserk roar "...Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!"

???: "Y/N... You OK, Sweetie?"

I stopped in my tracks and stood there, shaking slightly. I looked up at the NPC's only to see their nervous expressions, though, Albedo looked extremely worried, probably 'cause I was standing here looking like a crazy person.

Y/N: "Di-did someone  just speak?" I looked at Momonga, who was looking at Albedo with a nervous aura surrounding him. "Momonga, you OK?"

Albedo: "My child, is everything OK?"

Y/N and Momonga: "Uhhh... You can talk?" I'm guessing neither of us knew what was going on.

Albedo's expression was a mixed of worried and sad. "Y/N! Is everything OK? Did someone hurt you? TELL ME!!!" Her scream forced me to cover my ears. She covered her mouth and tears started to pour out of her eyes. She stood up and practically ran at me, I thought that she was going to scream some more, but instead she embraced me tightly as a mother would to comfort her child... Wait... She called me 'her child' and 'sweetie'... Oohh... Momonga must've added that when he was messing with her settings... I hugged her back so that she would calm down, and she only hugged me tighter. I realized that something was weird with my avatar all of a sudden... I'm a bit shorter than i used to be!!!

Momonga: "Um... What is happening?"

Albedo pulled away to look at Momonga and bowed. "Sorry my lord. I had to make sure that my son was safe. And with him embracing me back, he's better now."

Y/N and Momonga: "SON!?"

(Welp that could've gone a lot better. But, hey I just hoped that you enjoyed it... And on that awesome note...)


The Son of Nazarick (Overlord x Mreader)Where stories live. Discover now