Secret santa-14

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Seriously comment guys lol I'm trying to pull through with the content here
This is the last wholesome chapter but you didn't hear that from me.

"I can see you on Christmas Eve. My moms only spending Christmas with me" Cheryl said leaning on Toni's locker in Toni's basketball jersey over a blue long sleeved shirt. It wasn't the classic Cheryl blossom style but she liked wearing Toni's clothes.

"That's works for me beautiful." Toni closed he locker and looked over her girlfriend. It had been three weeks since the incident with her step dad and she had yet to tell Cheryl. She smiled at how her girlfriend wore her jersey with pride.

"You look adorable." Toni hummed tucking the hair out of Cheryl's face.

"You love me?" Cheryl giggles as Toni kissed her cheek.

"More than anything." Toni sighed looking into her eyes before capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

"Ew make it stop." Josie gagged walking up with Veronica and Ariana.

"No continue I totally wont record it and sell it on eBay." Veronica motioned for the two too continue but Cheryl only rolled her eyes as she let Toni wrap her arms around her waist and rest her head on the girls shoulder.

"Ari you okay?" Cheryl asked seeing the distraught face on the shorter girl. Ariana hummed and looked up at the ginger.

"Yeah I'm great." Ariana put in a fake smile glancing at Veronica them down at the floor.

"So are we going to my house for secret Santa? Betty said we can't at hers, her mother is having a book club meeting.

"Yeah that's perfect. 8pm?" Cheryl asked looking at Toni who was to busy looking at her phone to pay attention to the conversation.

Today was the last day of school before winter break meaning they wouldn't be in class together for another month.

"Don't be late anyone." Josie scolded before the bell rung signaling it was time for the first class of the day.


"Really Betty?" Josie groaned when Betty came in her house smelling like weed. "Since when did you get-" she looked at Veronica and glared.

"Guess who I had for secret Santa ?" She waved her hands in there as a surprise. They all walked into the living room seeing the three other girls all in pajamas as the grinch was playing Toni had her head in Cheryl's lap as Cheryl played with her hair.

Ariana was giggling at the grinch on the screen every time he said a joke which made Cheryl laugh at the girl sprawled across the cough.

"So Veronica chested and gave Betty her Christmas present before." Josie glared at Veronica who laughed and sat down beside Ariana allowing the girl to put her feet on her lap.

Josie brought in six cups of hot coco with the help of Betty and they brought in various snacks.

"Okay So Cheryl you go first." Josie said sitting on the floor infront of Toni and beside Betty. Cheryl put up her finger drinking so hot coco before opening the carry on bag and handing the rapped small box to Ariana.

Ariana's eyes widened as she snatched the box. She unwrapped the colorful wrapping paper and opened the little box revealing a expensive looking charm bracelet.

"Cher-" Ariana gasped but instead of talking she nearly tackled her in a hug.
"Thank you Cheryl." She smiled playfully kissing the girls cheek.

"Forget about it." Cheryl waved her off

Next Toni reached in the same bag and pulled out a a bag from Victoria's Secret. Inside it was various perfumes and lotions She hands the baggie to Josie.

"Wait why is this everything?" Josie giggles looking up at Toni. "Thanks loser." Josie grinned.

"I just thought you smelled like shit and you were ashy as fuck it's no biggie" Toni snorted Cheryl smacking Toni's arm making the girl laugh softly.

"Whoever has Toni please break whatever you got her." Josie said to her friends.

Josie rolled her eyes at the laughter form the group and grabbed the small framed picture that was face down so you couldn't see what it was. She smiled hand it face down to the Cheryl.

Cheryl turned it around and her eyes grew big looking at the picture. It was a picture the girls took after the food fight and they were all laughing and covered in various foods.

Cheryl almost had tears in her eyes at the note written on the back of the frame. "I might have had ketchup in my ear for three days but this was the best day of my life. I love you Cher." She looked at Josie once before pulling her in for a hug.

"This is beautiful." Cheryl smiled. Josie only nodded clearing her throat  signaling for someone else to go.

"Toni." Betty said tossing Toni a grocery bag filled with stuff. Toni raised an eyebrow and opened it pulling up a block of sand which cheese.

"I-" Toni looked at the cheese then back to Betty then back to the cheese.

"So you can get your bitch to practice making you a sandwich." Betty nodded high off her shit. Cheryl went to correct her but Toni just laughed.

"I love. American cheese." Toni coughed

Looking over at Ariana who was rummaging through her backpack. She finally pulled out a little box. She walked over to Veronica and say down in front of her.

"What is this?" Veronica giggles opening the small necklace box. When she did her giggles stopped and she was staring at the heart locket endearingly.

"Open it." Ariana Bit her lip as Veronica opened up the locket and saw a small mirror.

"Huh?" Veronica laughed a little looking over to Ariana curiously.

"You see the locket is my heart." Ariana explained and tapped the metal. "And when you open it to look in the mirror it's exactly what is in my heart." Ariana smiled goofily.

Veronica's cheeks grew red as their friends said awe grabbing at their chest. Out of instinct Veronica leaned over and kissed the girl in front of everyone. The kiss was soft and quick but it had Ariana jumping over and hugging her.

"That's enough lesbianing for tonight let's watch the grinch." Josie crinkled her nose looking at the the two couples pulling Ariana and Cheryl away from Toni and Veronica.

All five girls looked over to Betty who had stolen Toni's cheese and was laying pieces all over her body.

"Guys I'm not insane don't get it SWISSted." Betty cracked a horrible joke making everyone stare at her blankly.

"What  was that too cheesy?" Veronica joined in Josie smacking both of them.


Wholesome friend stuff before the storm. Ahahah LATERZ

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