Chapter 1

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It was noon. The bell rang for lunch as teenagers scattered out of classrooms and filled the cafeteria. As usual, Sunset Shimmer scanned the hall in search of her.. well... four friends today. Both Twilight and Applejack were absent. She found the others and took her seat.
"Hey Sunset!" Pinkie smiled. They all smiled at Sunset, before continuing on with whatever conversation they were previously having.
"Yeah so, like I was saying... I have literally never been through such a painful fifty minutes of my life," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, and lent back in her chair, almost falling off when Pinkie Pie slammed her hands on the table before running off to buy her lunch.
It was a strange atmosphere, but, as usual, Rarity had some gossip to... you could say lighten up everybody's mood.
"So girls, I won't wait for Pinkie since she already knows, and probably doesn't care, I mean, maybe she does care... should I-"
"Rarity just get on with the story!" Rainbow interrupted. Rarity continued.
"Oh yes um, so did you girls hear that.. Bulk Biceps... has a ..thing for Trixie?"
"What?!!" Sunset exclaimed. This time she was the one banging on the table. Pinkie returned, puzzled, but sat down happily anyway. "Woah woah woah. So- wha- Wait so Rarity, how long has he liked her for?" Sunset asked.
"Not sure, but it is rather... peculiar, you could say."
"I had no idea. It seems strange," Fluttershy added.
"Oh oh and.. did you all hear that this morning, Microchips, in front of his whole class, he came out of the closet," Rainbow told the girls. They all smiled apart from Fluttershy, who looked deeply confused.
"Basically he told everyone that he was gay," Sunset explained, and Fluttershy nodded in response, "And good for him," Sunset continued, "I mean I would never be able to bring myself to doing that, especially not in front of a whole class." She stopped as the four girls gave her a look, and then made sure she made what she was saying precise, "Not saying I would ever be in a situation like that.. like I'm not gay I was just saying.. you know... good for him..." The girl turned almost the same shade as the red in her hair. Her friends knew what she meant though, thankfully, and they all laughed.
"Yeah yeah, we got that Sunset. I wouldn't be able to either, so you're right," Rainbow added.
Once again, the atmosphere felt strange. No one was talking. Thanks to Rarity though, the silence was broken. "Right let's go get lunch then darlings, shall we? Pinkie would you mind saving our seat?"
Pinkie smiled and nodded, as the others went to go queue to get their food. Sunset was still recovering, her face returning to her normal shade.
After getting their food, the girls return to their seats. Thanks to Pinkie Pie, another awkward conversation was brought up.
"So gals, as we were talking about this stuff before, anyone care to share who they secretly admire?" Pinkie grinned. Sunset and Rainbow exchanged glances and both slid down in their chairs. Neither of them knew why. Sunset didn't recall having a crush on anybody. She wasn't sure about Rainbow Dash though...
"Well I for one don't find any of the men at this school attractive," Rarity stated, sticking her nose in the air.
"Well I wouldn't necessarily call these weirdos 'men'," Dash commented and sniggered.
"Mean but true... well sorta true," Sunset added.
Rainbow Dash looked around and then looked at each of the four girls, "Plus I don't like any of the guys either." Pinkie Pie wiggled her eyebrows before she (to Rainbow's annoyance) subtly stated, "Well that's cause you're obviously crushing on AJ!"
"No I'm not!" Dash's bright red face was partly visible through her hand which she was covering her ashamed look with. The girls had never seen Rainbow react like that and it was slightly strange. Usually she would just brush it off like it was nothing. This time Pinkie and Fluttershy exchanged knowing looks. Sunset felt slightly bad for Dash, aside from helplessly smiling, but decided she should change the subject anyway.
"So Fluttershy how's the.. um... English project going?"

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