Chapter 12

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"Is somethin wrong? Does he not usually call ya?" Applejack asked, peering over Dash"s shoulder. She shook her head and answered the phone.
"Hey dad..."
         "Really? Today?!"
        "Uhh, sure, maybe sometime in the afternoon?" Dash glanced over AJ who shrugged her shoulders.
        "Yeah ok see ya then," Rainbow ended the call, and turned to Applejack. "My parents wanna come round."
"That's fine sugarcube. We can always arrange some other time," she smiled, and Dash shook her head,
     "No, they're coming at 3pm, we have time," she said stubbornly, dragging AJ down the stairs.
      Applejack grabbed her keys from the kitchen, and spotted her brother sitting at the table.
     "See ya Mac!" she called, and Dash smiled and waved.
     "Where ya off to?" he asked.
     "Takin' mah girlfriend to lunch," AJ said. She said it confidently, but was still helplessly blushing. She glanced at Dash, who happily winked at her.
     "Well why didnt'ya say so AJ? Ah'll take you," Big Mac said, getting up and grabbing the keys for his van.
     "Glad to be welcoming you to the family Dash. Yer bound to have tons of fun with AJ, y'hear?" AJ's brother shook Dash's hand and nudged Applejack in the side. The girls grinned and followed Big Mac into the van.

They arrived at the restaurant and placed their orders. The whole time they were there, they couldn't help smiling at each other. They both knew how lucky they were to have each other.
        "Stop staring at me. It's creepy," Dash said, trying to be serious, looking AJ directly in the eye. Applejack looked back, and they held the gaze until they couldn't anymore, and bursted out with laughter.
      "Ah can't help it," AJ smiled.
      "I know I know. I get it. I'm irresistible," Rainbow smirked, and AJ playfully rolled her eyes, "Ya really are Dash."

After they had finished eating, Rainbow Dash rose from her seat, "I need to pee. Be right back." But before she went, she walked over to stand behind Applejack, before kissing her on her cheek. Dash grinned and ran off into the bathroom, and AJ couldn't help but smile. She pulled out her phone, and saw that she had received two messages. One from Rarity, and the other from Sunset Shimmer. They both were saying the same sort of thing.
        The one from Rarity read:
        So.... any news? Did you tell Rainbow? I hope it went well for you darling. I'm always here for you xxx

        And Sunset's message:
        Hey AJ. I was told what u are planning on doing today. Really hope everything goes okay! Have fun! 😅😆

       Applejack smiled and responded back to them. She put her phone away and took the time to process what had just happened. Yes. She finally had a girlfriend, and it was the best girlfriend she could have ever asked for. She watched Rainbow wonder back to her seat.
       When she came back, the waitress came over to their table and asked if they wanted the bill. The girls replied and the waitress brought it over. Applejack fiddled to find her purse.
"What are you doing AJ?" Dash asked. Applejack started counting out her money.
"Ah asked you to come. Ah can't make you pay!" she replied, still counting.
"You're so stubborn sometimes!" Dash laughed, pulled out her card and pain the bill.
"Thank you ma'am," she grinned at the waitress. Applejack looked at Rainbow.
"Ah can't believe you didn't let me pay!" she said, finding a few dollars to give to Dash, and to tip the waitress. Rainbow then glanced over to the smiling lady who was still standing there awaiting whatever tip AJ was about to pull out of her pocket.
Once again, Rainbow payed the waitress.
"I'm so sorry about my girlfriend. She's too stubborn this one," Dash laughed at AJ, who smirked at her and thanked the waitress again.
"Thanks guys. By the way, you guys are a great couple," the waitress grinned and walked off.
"She's nice," Dash said to Applejack, "And so am I."
"Rainbow when ah get home ah will have to give ya some money back. Ah asked you out after all!" AJ chuckled and went to stand up. Rainbow held out her hand and pulled up her girlfriend.
"Thanks," Applejack said, somewhat sarcastically.
"Wow I was just trying to be nice!" Rainbow raised her eyebrows and smiled.
"Ah know ah know. Thanks Dash," she smiled. They hadn't let go of each other's hands yet, and walked out of the restaurant arms linked.

"Where to next?" AJ grinned.
"Up to you... No.. Wait... We're getting ice cream," Dash declared, guiding Applejack towards the stall.
Applejack laughed, "Hey ah was gonna suggest that!"
"Well then you should've said it!"
"Ok, well ah'm payin this time! No exceptions," AJ stated. She had the money in her pocket, so that Dash couldn't get there before her.
They got their ice cream and Applejack did end up paying. Dash looked at the time and groaned. "Ugh my parents are coming in less than an hour, and I bet they expect my apartment to be tidy too," she rolled her eyes.
"Well ah can come and help ya tidy, and maybe ah can say hi to your parents too! Ah'm sure they'll remember me," Applejack smiled, walked with Dash towards the car park, only then realising they needed a ride back.
"Well I suppose my parents will remember you. I mean, you haven't really changed since fourth grade anyway so you'll be fine," Rainbow smirked, and Applejack nudged her arm, while getting out her phone to call her brother.
Thankfully he offered the girls a ride to Dash's house, and when they got inside, AJ stood in the hallway and nodded. Yep, this was unmistakably Rainbow Dash's place.
It wasn't necessarily messy, so it didn't take the girls long to get everything ready, before they heard the car pulling up at the parking lot.
"So, have your parents changed much since ah met them when ah was in fourth grade," she grinned and Dash shook her head.
"Literally not at all. Still the same mom and dad I've always had."
"That rhymed."
"I noticed."

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