Chapter 6

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3rd Person PoV
Four out of the six girls had managed to finally find a gift for their friend's eighteenth birthday. It was only Applejack and Sunset who hadn't.
     When she got home, Sunset immediately got to work. She was not going to let herself give up on finding Fluttershy a gift. First, she checked online.
      She searched up some '18 yr old gift ideas', but all that came up was hoodies and necklaces. Rarity had bought Fluttershy a necklace, so that idea was out. She looked around her apartment for inspiration, and saw her sketchbook poking out the side of her messy cupboard. She sat back and thought for a moment, before deciding that she would draw Fluttershy. She would draw her surrounded by all the things she loved. It was the best gift that Sunset had to offer at the time, and hoped that it would turn out ok.
Applejack however had nothing, and was planning to go in search again tomorrow. She had a free day and so hopefully that meant she had time to find a gift. She lay in bed for hours, like she had been doing for the past week. Every five or so minutes she'd cough so badly that blood would appear in her tissue. She wouldn't tell her friends the reason she had it so bad, as she didn't want to scare them, but AJ knew that her illness wasn't something to laugh about.

     The next morning Applejack woke up to the sound of what sounded like a frying pan clattering on the floor. That was exactly what it was. She went downstairs to find her family shouting at each other.
      "Guys?!" Applejack had only just woken up and so her voice was more quiet and croaky than usual. No one had noticed she had even gone into the kitchen, and so AJ would have to shout if she wanted them to hear her.
       "Guys WHAT IS GOIN' ON?!" Her voice broke and she started coughing again. Still no one payed any attention and so she grabbed her glass of water and 'stormed' back up the stairs. Nothing like this had ever happened to her family before, but she couldn't deal with this right now. It was 9am. She got into some decent clothes and glanced at herself at the mirror. She had also noticed herself starting to loose weight, and she felt weak, especially weak that morning. She splashed water on her face to wake her up a bit more. She took some painkillers and a throat sweet before calling up Rainbow Dash. AJ wanted to be anywhere but at home right now.
Rainbow: "Hey AJ. Everything ok?!"
AJ: "Y-yep. Are... are ya busy right now?"
Applejack's voice was still quiet and to an extent, inaudible.
Rainbow: "Oh.. well yeah. Did something happen? I'm here at home with Sunset if you wanna talk."
Right so that was what Dash was doing, flirting with Sunset. AJ decided how badly she needed Dash's company and asked her if it was ok if she could come round. Of course Rainbow said yes and so Applejack, slowly but surely, made it to her place. Dash opened the door, and when she saw Applejack's pale face and red eyes immediately sat her down on the sofa. Both Sunset and Dash came to sit by her side.
       "Ah'm ok, really. Ah just feel a bit..." she cleared her throat. "Ah'm just tired."
       "AJ no. Tell me what's wrong! You're making me worried!" Dash said, raising her eyebrows at Sunset. Applejack began to rise up from where she was laying and sat up straight.
      "Applejack?" Sunset stared at her. Both Dash and Sunset has worried looks washed over their faces.
     "Ah'm fine!" She insisted. "Mah family are arguin' over some nonsense and ah just can't bare it right now. Y'all carry on what you were doin' and just pretend ah ain't even here."
      "Well we were just about to play," Sunset stated, grabbing a gaming controller and passing one along to Dash. "It will take your mind off things if you wanna join us?"
      Applejack nodded and grabbed a third controller. They played for an hour or so until Sunset had to leave.
     "I'll see you then guys! Have fun beating my record!" Sunset laughed before opening the front door, "And I really hope you're ok AJ."

      Once again she left Dash and AJ alone together.
     "So..." Rainbow started. Applejack, once again, began hysterically coughing and quickly got a tissue out from her pocket. She coughed into it and then hurriedly ran to put it in the bin, before Dash could see what her disgusting lungs had produced.
      Rainbow checked her watch, and then glanced over at Applejack.
      "D'ya need to be somewhere. Look ah can go home if you—" AJ started, beginning to get up to leave. Dash just reached over and perched next to AJ on the sofa to stop her from getting up. "Well, not now I don't. Was gonna go to the gym though, but I can just go after school tomorrow." Dash sighed.
       Applejack prepared what she was going to say before smugly stating, "You don't need to work out Dash. You're already in perfect condition!"
      Rainbow smiled. Applejack could almost be sure she saw a blush appearing on her cheek, but didn't react, as she wasn't definitely sure she had saw what she thought. Then AJ thought back to this morning, and how she knew that she herself had got significantly weaker over the past few days.
      "Ah'll come with you, if you still wanna go that is..."
       "Why would you need to go to the gym of all people! You're super fit!" Dash said too enthusiastically, and sunk down into the sofa. "You know what I meant..." she finished.
     Applejack sprung up from the sofa, "Come on then. Let's go before it gets too busy."
     Like most places in the town they lived in, the leisure centre wasn't more than a ten minute walk away from any of the girls' houses.
      They signed in and got started. After 15 minutes, Applejack was already feeling tired, which was very unlike her, and Rainbow noticed. Dash didn't stop though, as she needed to (according to her only) 'build more muscle' and 'have a stronger figure', even though all of her friends thought she looked perfect. It wasn't until Applejack didn't stop coughing that Dash jumped down from the equipment and rushed over to the country girl. AJ fiddled and got another tissue from her pocket. A whole load of gross came up onto the tissue, but Dash didn't react in the way that Applejack would have expected. Instead, Rainbow was especially worried.
        "Right, I'm getting you home," Dash declared as she asked a cab to take them both back to AJ's place. Rainbow carried Applejack up the stairs and into her bed, surprising herself with her strength, but Applejack knew that it was partly because of the amount of weight she had lost.
"Now please, tell me what's going on?!"

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